Forbidden Touch

Forbidden Touch by K. S. Haigwood Page A

Book: Forbidden Touch by K. S. Haigwood Read Free Book Online
Authors: K. S. Haigwood
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touched his back. "Yes."
    He closed his eyes and let out the breath he hadn't been aware he was holding. He didn't open his eyes as he asked his next question. "Have uh…" He could do this. He could ask her this; he didn't have a choice. "Have you ... ever?" There, he'd done it.
    "No." She slowly ran her hand around the front side of his body and gently gripped his sex in her hand.
    He gasped, and went very still under her touch. Well, everything was still except for his boy, who was clearly thinking this was a good time to do jumping-jacks. The thing was bucking against her hand so fiercely that his hips were moving.
    "But I was kind of hoping you would be my first," she whispered in his ear, and Mitch didn't need any more invitation than that.

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    Chapter 1 9
    Mitch held her in his arms, with one hand on her back, and the other went up the back of her neck into her hair. He was wet, and the long strands clung to his skin. He was panting heavily from wanting her so badly. He didn't know how he had ever lived without her. In his impatience and disorientation, he turned a one-eighty and moved her under the spray. She closed her eyes and leaned her head back; a soft moan escaped her throat as the water rushed down her face and soaked the rest of her body.
    The sight of her, with the water sparkling over her skin from the overhead light, was exquisite. How had he gotten this lucky? He felt as though he had won the lottery, or someone had given him something priceless. The water was still pouring over her face as he leaned in to capture her lips with his own. She responded with eagerness. The water rushed down his face as he teased and taunted her lips and tongue, and pulled her body firmly to his. The feel of her naked skin was better than he'd ever imagined in his dreams.
    He had to take this slow. He had to keep reminding himself of this. This wasn't a Gracie Potter kind of girl. She was over three centuries old, but she was innocent, and he needed to take that fact with extreme precaution. With that thought in mind, he pulled away from her lips, then kissed her cheek and neck softly. It was such a beautiful neck, and for an instant he had the urge to bite her and swallow the warm, sweet blood from her veins.
    He pulled back and shook his head; he blinked a few times. Why the hell had he wanted to do that? Blood wasn't sweet anyway; it tasted kind of like a copper penny or metal. His own mouth had filled with blood several times while boxing in high school.
    "What is it, Mitch? Did I do something wrong?" Ciera said, almost in a panic. She really wanted this to happen with him. Maybe she had been too forward when she'd touched him.
    He put the thought out of his mind and smiled at her. "You haven't done anything wrong. I just had a very weird thought, that's all." He went to kiss her again, but she pulled back and looked in his eyes when they opened in confusion.
    "What kind of weird thought?" she asked.
    He laughed lightly and tried to kiss her again, but she held him away from her mouth effortlessly. He sighed and shook his head. "I don't know. When I kissed your neck, I had the sudden urge to bite you with fangs that I don't have and drink your sweet blood." He shook his head and laughed lightly again. "It's ridiculous though…blood isn't sweet."
    Her eyes grew bigger with every word that came out of his mouth. He caught the expression on her face and gave her a questioning glance. She was beginning to look a little uncomfortable.
    He laughed nervously. "What is it, Ciera? It was just a silly thought."
    "My blood is sweet, Mitch. How could you know that?"
    He shrugged. He really didn't want to have this conversation right now. He had other things on his mind, and he wanted to get this talking over with so he could get to doing those things. His buddy below his waist wanted them to shut up as well. "Am I turning into a vampire now that you bit me?"
    Her eyebrows drew together. He was so

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