Two Dates Max

Two Dates Max by Missy Jane

Book: Two Dates Max by Missy Jane Read Free Book Online
Authors: Missy Jane
Tags: Erótica
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harmlessly a foot away from him.
    “Just trying to wake you up before your boyfriend walks in,” he said.
    I scowled at him before his words fully penetrated. The door opened and Sean waltzed in looking fresh as a fucking daisy. I turned my scowl his way.
    “Hey, beautiful. I brought you coffee.”
    I sighed in relief and gratefully took the steaming cup from him. He leaned on the counter until we were only a couple of inches apart.
    “How are you feeling?” he whispered.
    “Like hell. How come you look so damn chipper?”
    He grinned and I wanted to deck him. I took a sip of coffee instead.
    “I crawled into bed as soon as I got home but couldn’t sleep. I kept thinking about the bombshell in my arms this morning. Luckily cold showers really do help.”
    I choked a bit on my coffee and flashed a weak smile. There was no way to stay mad at him.
    “So, what do you have going on today?” I asked.
    “I’ve got inventory tonight so I go in late. I was hoping we could have an early dinner when you get off. Four o’clock, right?”
    I nodded and opened my mouth to answer when the glass doors behind him crashed against the walls. One shattered and I yelped in surprise. Sean immediately spun on his heel, blocking my view of the intruder.
    “Where the fuck is Elle? Don’t tell me that bitch ain’t here again.”
    I recognized the asshole’s voice from before and picked up the phone to call Ryan. After the second visit I had let him know about this guy so everyone could keep an eye out.
    “Sir, I think you need to calm down,” Sean said.
    My pulse leapt as I realized Sean had taken a step toward Angry Bald Guy. Ryan answered and I quickly told him what was happening before slamming the phone down.
    “This ain’t any of your fucking business, man. Back off so I can talk to the girl.”
    I moved to the end of the counter, walking into Angry Bald Guy’s line of sight. Sean threw an annoyed glance my way, but addressed ABG.
    “Look, it’s obvious Elle isn’t here. Why don’t you go back to that bitch Declan and let him know his favorite punching bag is off-limits now.”
    I gasped and stared between the two, waiting to see ABG’s reaction to Sean’s declaration. He didn’t make me wait long. He took an aggressive step toward Sean, fists clenched and scowl firmly in place. Sean’s shoulders relaxed and he shook out his hands as if in preparation. I looked around for a weapon.
    “Declan made it my business to find Elle for him,” ABG said. “So, that’s what I’m going to do. Even if I have to go through you to do it.”
    I vaguely wondered what bad action movie this guy had been watching, but my amusement died a quick death when he took a swing.
    I raced around the counter but stopped just shy of in the way. Sean ducked the massive fist headed toward him and grabbed the guy’s wrist. He did some sort of twisty thing where he turned ABG into a human pretzel and the next thing I knew he was on the ground. I released a sigh of relief, thinking it was over. But then ABG kicked Sean in the ribs and was back on his feet in a flash. Sean grunted and fell against the counter as ABG went at him again.
    Neither of them paid any attention to me, but now members and other employees had arrived. I looked to the guys for help but no one seemed to want to get between the fists. Sean and ABG exchanged blow after blow until I saw blood hit the floor. I wanted to throw up.
    “Cops are coming, Max. You gotta stop now, man.”
    I looked over to see Ben frantically pointing out the door where the unmistakable sign of flashing lights could be seen.
    “Sean!” I yelled again, but he didn’t seem to hear me.
    He finally got one arm around ABG’s neck and wrestled the asshole to the ground again. This time, Sean pinned him facedown where he couldn’t kick out. By the time an officer ran through the door Sean had the asshole on the ground with both hands behind his back and his legs pinned by

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