Forbidden Desires

Forbidden Desires by Marina Anderson

Book: Forbidden Desires by Marina Anderson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marina Anderson
Tags: Fiction, Erótica
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through, for both our sakes.’
    ‘That’s not true,’ said Harriet. ‘I don’t need to see it through. You’re the one who wants that, because your film needs an ending as well as a beginning.’
    ‘You mean you’re not interested in discovering where this will lead you?’ queried Lewis. ‘Come on, Harriet, that isn’t like you. If Edmund’s appeal is great enough to draw you into his bed then surely you want to find out if it’s great enough to keep you at his side.’
    ‘I’m not interested in being at his side!’ she exclaimed.
    ‘How sad for Edmund. I wonder if he knows it’s just his body you’re interested in,’ mused Lewis.
    ‘All right,’ said Harriet, sitting up in bed and letting the sheet fall away from her so that Lewis could see her bare breasts and the soft creamy skin of her shoulders and back. ‘Yes, I do want to “see this through” as you put it. I want to find out what kind of a man Edmund is, and whether my desire for him increases or decreases as I get to know him better. Does that satisfy you?’
    ‘At least it’s honest,’ remarked Lewis. ‘I take it last night was a success?’
    ‘Yes, a great success.’
    Lewis grabbed hold of Harriet’s arms and pulled her on top of him, easing her down on his painfully hard erection. ‘Then I hope this doesn’t prove a disappointment,’ he said tightly, as he moved her up and down with his powerful arms.
    Feeling the first flush of arousal beginning to smoulder in her belly, Harriet knew that it wouldn’t be, and a few minutes later she was lost in the familiar pleasure that Lewis could always give her. When, about ten minutes later, she gave a cry of ecstasy, Edmund, already awake on the other side of the bedroom wall, clenched his fists at his sides and tried not to think about what was happening.
    At breakfast only Noella seemed cheerful. She chattered on about how she wanted to visit thePaul Corin Magnificent Music Machines collection that was kept in the family mill beside the River Looe. ‘They’ve got a 20-foot Belgian dance hall organ!’ she exclaimed, looking through the leaflet that she’d found on the hall table.
    ‘I’d have thought you’d seen more than your share of organs,’ laughed Lewis.
    Noella gave him a sideways glance. ‘I’m always anxious to extend my experiences, honey.’
    Lewis nodded. ‘So I’ve heard. I saw young Oliver a few minutes ago when I went to fetch the mail. He looked a little tired I thought. Too much working out perhaps?’
    Noella laughed. ‘He’ll soon pick up; strong young men of his age have wonderful stamina.’
    Harriet looked across the kitchen table at Noella. ‘Did you really go and see him last night?’
    ‘Sure, and it was great. Not shocked are you?’
    ‘No, of course not, it’s just that you hardly know him.’
    ‘Hell, I don’t know Edmund after ten years of marriage,’ said Noella. ‘Do you honestly think you know Lewis?’
    ‘I suppose not.’
    ‘There you are then, what’s the difference?’
    ‘Nearly ten years,’ said Lewis with a grin.
    At that moment the telephone rang and Harriet went to answer it. To her delighted surprise it was Ella calling from London, but sounding rather subdued.
    ‘I just got your letter, Harriet,’ she said, talking more rapidly than normal. ‘Do you really mean it,about me coming to stay?’
    ‘Of course I do. Lewis would like to meet you as well.’
    ‘The thing is, I’ve got to quit my flat. I’m broke and right now there’s no work in sight.’
    ‘Then come straight away,’ Harriet urged her. She lowered her voice. ‘Quite honestly, Ella, I’d love to have a friend here. It’s all a bit complicated and if you were with us I think it would be easier.’
    ‘In what way, complicated? You’re on your honeymoon aren’t you?’ At the prospect of some kind of intrigue, Ella’s voice had immediately brightened.
    ‘Yes, and I can’t explain, but I need you here to keep my feet on the ground. I’m in

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