Forbidden Desires

Forbidden Desires by Marina Anderson Page A

Book: Forbidden Desires by Marina Anderson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marina Anderson
Tags: Fiction, Erótica
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serious danger of going out of control.’
    ‘Not you, Harriet. You’re the most balanced person I’ve ever met.’
    Harriet gave a short laugh. ‘That was a long time ago, Ella. Believe me, I’ve changed. Look, when can you come down?’
    ‘Today if you like,’ responded Ella. ‘I’ll drive myself but I doubt if I’ll be with you until late this evening.’
    ‘That’ll be great!’ enthused Harriet. ‘And you can stay for the whole six weeks if you like,’ she added recklessly.
    After Ella had thanked her profusely, Harriet replaced the receiver and went back into the kitchen where Noella and Lewis were deep in conversation. They drew apart when she entered, but for a moment she’d been certain that she’dseen Lewis’s hand on the nape of Noella’s neck.
    ‘Who was it?’ asked Lewis.
    ‘Ella; she’s coming down today.’
    He pulled a face. ‘She doesn’t waste any time.’
    ‘You’ll like her,’ Harriet assured him. ‘She’s really pretty, and an actress as well so you’ll have plenty to talk about.’
    ‘In my experience, actresses only like to talk about themselves. Are you coming to look at these organs that are fascinating Noella, or are you staying behind with Edmund?’
    Harriet shook her head. ‘I’ll come with you two.’
    Lewis hoped that his relief didn’t show in his eyes.
    Once again it was Lewis who drove them through the winding narrow Cornish roads. Harriet hated driving when he was a passenger, he was always giving her instructions, and Noella flatly refused to tackle driving on the left-hand side of the road.
    As they walked round the display, which Lewis found totally engrossing, the two women were left on their own to study the various organs. ‘What did you think of Edmund as a lover?’ asked Noella beneath her breath as a young couple stood next to them, studying the same instrument.
    Harriet turned her head sharply to stare at the other woman. ‘What do you mean?’
    ‘I mean did you think he was a good lover?’
    ‘Ssh!’said Harriet.
    ‘Well, you must have an opinion and I’d like to hear it,’ said Noella, lowering her voice a little but smiling broadly.
    ‘Did he tell you about us?’ asked Harriet, shocked at the idea.
    ‘Of course not; Edmund never tells me anything,’ lied Noella. ‘I knew though. I always know when he’s started an affair; he gets this satisfied look, like a cat that’s had the cream.’
    Harriet wasn’t sure whether to believe Noella or not, but to her surprise she felt a strange excitement discussing Edmund with his own wife. ‘As a matter of fact I thought he was an incredible lover,’ she said calmly.
    ‘Better than Lewis?’
    Harriet shook her head. ‘No, not better, but different.’
    Noella nodded. ‘I can imagine he would be. Edmund’s different from most men. At times he goes too far.’
    ‘In what way?’ asked Harriet.
    ‘You’ll find out – if you continue the affair that is. Oliver was incredible too,’ she added.
    ‘Better than Edmund?’ laughed Harriet.
    ‘Not better, but very different! Well, to tell the truth, he was more my style,’ admitted Noella. ‘The problem is that Edmund likes to make things very complicated, but I just like to get on with things. Oliver was about as basic as I’d want to get, but he was exactly what I needed last night. I might have to teach him a few refinements before the holiday’s over I suppose, although toomany and I’ll have spoilt him.’
    ‘So what kind of sex did you have?’ asked Harriet, unable to resist learning more.
    ‘The instant kind. He stood against the wall, lifted me up and took me like that, without even kissing me. Then we had a bath together and he took me from behind in the water, and finally we did it in his back garden, although the midges were a bit of a problem.’
    ‘I don’t think you’re telling me the truth,’ laughed Harriet.
    ‘Why not? He’s young and strong, three times was nothing to him.’
    ‘Well, it doesn’t sound my

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