For Love of Country

For Love of Country by William C. Hammond Page B

Book: For Love of Country by William C. Hammond Read Free Book Online
Authors: William C. Hammond
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two to three months to prepare Falcon for sea and tie up the remaining loose ends. Several of those loose ends had been tied up during his absence, Richard discovered. His father informed him that they had received the letters of credence confirming Richard as an American emissary that John Jay had promised, and William Cutler announced that his family’s share of the ransom money would soon be on its way to Gibraltar, where it would remain in the custody of Captain Jeremy Hardcastle pending Falcon ’s arrival there.
    The family discussion then shifted to another topic, one equally pleasing to those present, especially Richard, who had learned to his joy that very afternoon that while William Cutler would be departing on schedule for England, his daughter would remain behind. Elizabeth Cutler would continue to occupy the spare room in Richard and Katherine’s home on South Street where she had stayed all summer.
    â€œIsn’t it wonderful, Lizzy staying with us?” Katherine purred several hours later to her husband. He was lying on his back in bed with two goose-down pillows propping him up. The house was quiet; on either side of the bed the amber glow of candles flickered. When Katherine dropped her nightgown and slipped between the thin sheets, the heady tropical scent of frangipani filled Richard’s senses.
    â€œYes,” he agreed, welcoming her into his arms. “And it’s wonderful to see my uncle so pleased.”
    â€œHe’s pleased because Lizzy is so happy.” Katherine laid her head on Richard’s chest. “He told me he can’t remember when he last saw her this way. He completely supports her decision.”
    â€œ Her decision? When did she decide this? While I was away?”
    â€œYes. We were out riding one day and, well, the subject sort of came up.”
    â€œSort of came up?” He kissed the top of her head. “Do you really expect me to believe that? I’d wager serious money that General Cutler here has been mapping out her campaign for some time, waiting for the right moment to pounce.”
    â€œI shan’t take that wager,” Katherine said. “And you’ll be interested to learn that I saw Lizzy walking with John Cushing today down by the harbor.”
    â€œJohn Cushing? I hadn’t thought of John for Lizzy. Now that I do, I think well of it. They have much in common.”
    â€œThey do, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves. There are a lot of eligible bachelors about town. The point is, Lizzy is finally ready to find
out for herself just how many there are. She’s in no hurry to get serious about anyone. The fun is in the hunt, as she’s about to find out.” She snuggled up closer. “It will be nice to have her company whilst you’re away. She’ll be such a help with the baby.”
    Richard stroked the firm flesh of her back down to the smooth silk of her buttocks. “Yes, I suppose,” he said, turning slightly, preparing to take her fully in his arms. “Though I doubt Jamie would appreciate you calling him a baby. He’s three years old, after all.”
    Katherine brought her lips to his ear and a whisper to her voice. “I wasn’t referring to Jamie.”
    It took a moment to register. “Katherine! You’re with child? Are you sure?”
    â€œHave I been wrong before?”
    He embraced her with a passion born of elation abruptly tempered by a surge of guilt. He slumped back onto the pillows. “A baby, Katherine. Sweet Jesus, a baby. And here I am, leaving you when you need me the most. Just as I did before Will was born.”
    She lifted her head and looked him in the eye. “You mustn’t think that way, Richard,” she scolded, surprised by his reaction and wishing to relieve him of an unfair burden. “You must never, never think that way. I’ll be surrounded by family and friends here, just as I was in Barbados. You needn’t

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