security network.”
    “Then how are we going to get in there
without being seen?” Jason wondered aloud.
    “With this.” Derek removed a single key from
his pocket, holding the simple device of entry up for Jason to
    “A key?” Jason questioned, surprised by the
simplicity of the proposed solution.
    “Not just any key. A key that I had copied
during my internship with Mass. Electric last summer.”
    Jason was impressed. He’d never doubted
Derek’s intelligence, but at times he had questioned his
commitment. Derek had always come across as the ‘whatever’s going
to happen will be’ type and not one to plan things out in the long
term, but seeing that key firmly grasped between his index finger
and thumb, he now realized that he’d seriously underestimated his
roommate’s commitment to the project. Derek had obviously been
planning this moment for quite some time now, which somehow made
him feel more at ease about the dangerous leap they were about the
take. At the same time though, a key seemed too simple a solution
for what sounded like such a sophisticated security system.
    “You're telling me that the state’s largest
electric company probably spent a small fortune to install a state
of the art security system on this site and all that it takes is
one key to get inside?” Jason questioned.
    “That and the passcode that I got by making
my boss, and I quote, ‘cum so hard that, not only her husband, but
her vibrator as well would forever pale in comparison'.”
    “There’s the Derek I know.”
    “Thanks,” Derek’s grin widened at the
perceived compliment. “Now come on,” he opened his door and
excitedly jumped from the vehicle.
    Jason watched as Derek almost skipped his
way to the security gate, unable to conceal his excitement. “Here
we go I guess,” he spoke as he opened his door and followed more
    “You throw like a girl.”
    “I am a girl,” Autumn Lively responded to
her brother’s taunt as her first pitch bounced in front of the
pizza box, currently standing in as home plate.
    “You couldn’t hit it anyway!” Callie yelled
from the other side of the large back yard.
    “I think you should back up a bit more!”
thirteen year old Jonathan yelled back at the mouthy outfielder as
he took up position beside the pizza box one more time.
    Grabbing another ball from the bucket beside
her, Autumn stepped to the side of the stick that they’d placed in
the grass as an impromptu mound, kicked her leg in the air and
delivered the next pitch. This time the ball sailed from her grasp,
passing over the cardboard plate and just under the bat of her
overconfident brother.
    Callie began laughing from the outfield.
“See! I told you!”
    “Shut up Callie!”
    “Hey, don’t yell at my friend just because
you suck!” Autumn scolded her embarrassed brother.
    Jonathan didn’t say a thing. Instead, he
retook his position alongside the plate, slamming the end of the
bat into the box as he’d seen his major league idols do countless
times. Autumn grabbed another ball from the bucket beside her,
staring her brother down before winding up and releasing the ball
with another girlish delivery. The ball sailed toward him. Intent
on showing up the year older girl in the outfield, he focused all
of his concentration on the spinning projectile hurdling toward
him. Rearing back, in preparation for an all or nothing swing, he
took one quick glance at the pretty redhead in the outfield. As
much as he wanted to show her up; to prove just how good he was,
even more so, he wanted to impress her.
    Callie had been friends with his sister for
nearly five years now, ever since she’d moved in next door. He’d
always liked her. She’d always been nice to him and they’d always
enjoyed each other’s company, but in the last year or so something
had started to change. What had been a secondhand friendship had
begun to take on a more exciting quality. Callie had always

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