Fledge Star

Fledge Star by Titania Woods

Book: Fledge Star by Titania Woods Read Free Book Online
Authors: Titania Woods
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    Chapter One
    A new year at Glitterwings! Twink Flutterby flew eagerly over the flower-covered hill. Almost there . . . almost . . . and then, there it was! The great oak tree that housed Glitterwings Academy came into view, its leaves bursting with springtime. The tiny windows that wound their way up its trunk shone like pieces of sunshine.
    â€˜Isn’t it beautiful!’ exclaimed Twink’s grandmother, flying beside her. She was accompanying Twink to school this term, as Twink’s parents were at a Fairy Medics’ convention. ‘I can see why you love it so much, my dear.’
    Twink nodded happily. ‘It’s the most wonderful school in the world.’
    Down below, a first-year student rode on a mouse, with her parents flying along overhead. The young fairy glanced up at Twink admiringly, and Twink felt very grown-up all of a sudden. She and her friends were Second Years now – not the babies of the school any longer.
    Twink and her grandmother landed on the Glitterwings front lawn. Gran carefully patted her purple hair into place. ‘Now then,’ she said, ‘we just need to let someone know you’re here.’
    Crowds of young fairies flitted about the tree like hummingbirds, chatting and laughing. ‘Twink!’ called a voice.
    Twink looked up as a strikingly pretty fairy with dark blue hair and silver and gold wings landed beside her. ‘Bimi!’ she cried, delighted to see her best friend.
    The two girls hugged excitedly, their wings fluttering so hard that they lifted off the ground.
    â€˜It’s so good to see you!’ said Bimi as they floated back down to earth. ‘Sending letters by butterfly just isn’t the same. And guess what – we’re going to be in the same branch together!’
    Twink felt a wide smile spread across her face. ‘Glimmery! Oh, we’re going to have such a brilliant term, I can tell already!’
    â€˜Yes, excellent news,’ said Twink’s grandmother with a twinkle in her eye. ‘But have you a hello for me as well, Bimi?’
    Bimi’s cheeks turned pink. ‘Oh – sorry, Mrs Flutterby!’ The term before last she had stayed with Twink’s family for part of the holidays, and knew Twink’s gran well.
    â€˜Quite all right,’ laughed Gran. ‘Now, let’s get you sorted, Twink, and then I can fly my tired old wings back home.’
    Their new year head was Miss Sparkle. The stern Fairy Dust teacher gave Twink a brief smile as she ticked Twink’s name off her clover-leaf pad.
    â€˜Nice to see you, Twink. All you girls from last year are together again in Peony Branch, up near the top of the tree.’ Miss Sparkle turned away to check someone else in, her thin white wings almost transparent in the sunshine.
    Twink’s gran gave her a warm hug, and patted Bimi’s cheek. ‘Have a good term, girls. Don’t get into any more trouble than absolutely necessary!’
    â€˜We won’t,’ grinned Twink as her grandmother lifted gracefully off the ground. She and Bimi stood waving until Gran had disappeared over the hill, and then Twink scooped up her oak-leaf bag. ‘Come on! Let’s go and see our new branch!’

    The two friends took off at top speed. Giggling, they dodged past a group of older girls and jetted through the open double doors at the base of the tree.
    Twink stopped and hovered for a moment, drinking in the beauty of her school. The inside of Glitterwings Academy was a high, golden tower, with branch-corridors shooting off in all directions, and fairies flitting about as far up as the eye could see. Twink sighed happily. She could never get tired of seeing this, no matter how long she had gone to school here!
    â€˜Hurry,’ called Bimi over her shoulder, ‘or else we won’t get beds next to each other!’
    Jolted out of her reverie, Twink sped to catch up with her friend. Up and up they flew, passing

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