First Crush (Dark Falkon #1)

First Crush (Dark Falkon #1) by J.O Mantel Page A

Book: First Crush (Dark Falkon #1) by J.O Mantel Read Free Book Online
Authors: J.O Mantel
    “Seriously? That's the last place I’d want to go. I'd rather watch One Direction in concert. That guy is the reason I'm feeling like-” he stopped short and turned away.
    “What? Who are you talking about, Jake?”
    “No one, forget it.”
    Ivy stared at him, after a few seconds she clicked. 
    “Oh my god! Jake please tell me you're not seriously jealous of Lukas Dark?”
    His silence answered her question.
    “Jake that is the most absurd thing I have ever heard.”
    “Is it?”
    “Why?” He asked.
    “Jake, he's a rock star. Yeah sure he's great looking, but he's a rock star, Sienna wouldn't stand a chance.”
    “Why not?”
    “It's a crush, Jake. Sienna has no hope of getting with Lukas. How many fans fantasize about their idols? Millions! But they are just fantasies, nothing more.”
    “That doesn't mean she doesn't stand a chance. You hear about it all the time on the news, celebrities marrying ordinary, everyday people who aren't in the spotlight. I know I shouldn’t be jealous, but it’s a bit hard not to be. I just wish it was me, that I was the one that she wanted to be with. You know, just an ordinary, everyday guy.”
    “That's like one in a million...a billion even. Trust me Jake, you have no reason to be jealous. If anything, Jesse is the one you should be jealous over. He's the one she's with, not Lukas. But like I've already told you, you can change that, all you have to do is tell her how you feel,” Ivy explained.
    “Wow! You're giving me relationship advice? I never thought I'd see the day, Ivy.”
    The bathroom door flung open, Sienna walked out wrapped in a towel, her hair was soaking wet. 
    “Oh, hey babe, give me a couple of minutes to get ready,” Sienna acknowledged Ivy. She closed the door to her room and Ivy and Jake were alone once more.
    “It's killing you isn't it? Seeing her practically naked in front of you.”
    “You would think, after all these years it would get easier, Ivy.”
    “But it's not, is it? It's only making it harder for you,” Ivy could see the disappointment that had suddenly appeared on his face. Lately, he wasn't the cheerful and chirpy Jake that she knew. Although he had said he was happy for her, Ivy knew too well that he was only saying that so that she wouldn't worry about him. 
    A few minutes later, Sienna's door opened. Her hair was loose, and neatly combed. She grabbed her handbag and phone from the sofa and headed to the door. 
    “Ready?” She asked Ivy.
    “You two have fun, enjoy your day off and the “girl talk,” Jake said, sarcastically.
    “Oh, we will. What are your plans for the day, Jake?” Sienna asked. 
    “I'm actually meeting with the band today. The album is officially ready and we are picking it up this afternoon.”
    “Wow! That's awesome, congratulations,” Sienna replied. 
    “Congratulations, Jake. That's awesome news,” Ivy said.
    “Thanks, guys. Now, go! Have fun.”
    They exited and closed the door behind them, leaving Jake alone with his thoughts. The girls sat at their regular cafe where they had lunch. Sienna enjoyed a Greek salad, while Ivy chose the Porterhouse steak and a bottle of wine between them. 
    “So, babe! I haven't seen you in a while, how's things with Dick?”
    “Pretty good I must admit. We're both really happy.”
    “You're looking happy, I did notice that. I'm so happy for you and proud of you too for moving on from Jake. I'm glad you didn't wait around for him to make up his mind, otherwise you would have missed this opportunity with Dick.” Sienna continued with her salad while Ivy struggled with her steak.
    “I think Jake has a lot going on at the moment. He did say that the band had finally finished their album. I'm no rock star, but I can imagine the kind of stress he's going through. The last thing he needs right now is a relationship to make his life more stressful.”
    “And yet, you gave me a hard time when I told you that I didn't have

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