Her Brother's Best Friend
I have had a crush on Derek since I was 14. He and my brother were high school freshmen that year and did not even acknowledge Jon’s eighth grade sister, but I learned to touch myself on our family’s camping trip because of him. Jon, Derek, and I stayed up late, after our parents went to bed, just hanging out and I couldn’t help staring at Derek in the light of the campfire. He was so sexy to me at the time. Looking back, I think it’s funny that I was so turned on by a lanky teenager, but that night, I barely slept while I discovered my pussy and its pleasures for the first time. Even then, when I did not even know what a cock was, I wanted Derek’s buried deep inside me.
    For three years of high school, I watched Derek grow up and no one noticed how flustered I got whenever he would come over. He and Jon were inseparable but I was invisible. At night, though, in my bed, Derek and I got to know one another very, very well. When he and my brother went away to college this past summer, it was heartbreaking. Four years and I never told him how I felt. Although at least I can say that I have been able to focus on school this year without the distraction of Derek’s incredibly attractive ass. And what an ass it has grown up to be!
    That is, I was able to focus until now. Jon and Derek came home this weekend because my parents wanted to celebrate my 18th birthday. Since Derek may as well be family, he naturally came along with Jon. They are asleep in Derek’s room right now, and I am getting it on with myself. My friend Abby bought me a vibrator for my birthday, so what a way to try it out, having only a wall between me and the object of years of lust. I start the motor and it does its work on my clit. I picture Derek as I touch myself.
    My pussy has been wet since the restaurant and getting my fingers inside of it is such a relief. It is this complete and total sense of joy that prevents me from hearing my door open.
    “Oh shit. I’m sorry,” Derek says. “I am half asleep. I was looking for the bathroom.”
    “Across the hall,” I say, although I doubt it comes out that clear. The whirring of the vibrator is not exactly subtle as Derek stands in my doorway in his boxers. What the fuck is wrong with him? Who walks around half-naked when there are horny teenage girls in the next room?
    “Sorry. Um...” He is flustered and I can’t believe he is disrupting me while I masturbate. I try not to scream at him as my cunt pulses under the covers. The vibrator is slipping and I am so frustrated.
    “Close the damn door,” I say through gritted teeth.
    “Yeah. Okay.”
    It closes and I move my hand back to my pussy, releasing the breath I was holding. I move the vibrator back in position. It starts to tease my clit again and my pussy throbs. “Oh fuck. Derek,” I purr.
    I bolt upright, the vibrator spinning out of control as it falls between my legs. I am not wearing anything under the sheets and I try to cover my nakedness. Derek is just standing there, on the wrong side of the door. I can’t help but run my eyes over his body. He is no longer lanky. “What are you doing ? I told you to close the door!”
    “I did,” he says.
    “I meant with you on the other side of it!”
    “Oh.” He just stands there, confused and half-asleep. My cunt is on fire and I am dying. This cannot be happening. “Should I go?”
    “That might be a good idea,” I reply.
    “Alright, I’ll go. I mean, unless you want some help?”
    “What?” I feel my cheeks flush. Maybe he isn’t as clueless as I imagined.
    “I feel bad. Your pussy must be aching. I wouldn’t mind watching, if you wouldn’t mind letting me watch.”
    “Oh Jesus, Derek. Get over here.” I drop the sheet and reach for the vibrator. Derek sits next to me on the bed and I get back to pleasuring myself. He watches the vibrator move around my clit; hot as hell, I slip it into my pussy. The vibrations tease the walls and I thank God for Abby. My

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