First Crush (Dark Falkon #1)

First Crush (Dark Falkon #1) by J.O Mantel

Book: First Crush (Dark Falkon #1) by J.O Mantel Read Free Book Online
Authors: J.O Mantel
text and an emoji on his way to work. In the evenings, he was the pizza delivery boy down at the local Dominos. Between the hours of nine to five, however, he was one of the best reporters for the New York Times newspaper. At times, Ivy felt like Lois Lane and Dick was her Clark Kent, but without the jet black hair or geeky glasses.
    Dick was making a generous wage at the paper. However, he had been at the pizza store since he was eighteen and after twelve years, it was like his family and he couldn’t bring himself to leave. Not to mention, he got free pizzas every shift, which came in handy on a Friday and Saturday night when he and Ivy were together.
    Getting out of bed, she showered and got dressed. She and Sienna both have the day off work, it didn't happen very often and neither of them had seen each other for a few weeks. 
    She pulled up outside Sienna's place, got out of the car and let herself in using her spare key. Jake was sitting on the sofa watching TV.
    “Hey, Ivy,” he said, without turning around to acknowledge her. 
    “How did you know it was me?” She asked.
    “I could see your reflection through the television, and not many people have a key to our apartment,” he joked.
    “Fair point,” she said, walking over to him and kissing him on the cheek as she sat down beside him.
    “You look nice,” he said, finally admiring her.
    “Thanks.” She blushed. 
    “So, where are you two off to today?”
    “To be honest, I'm not actually quite sure. It's very rare that the two of us have the day off at the same time, especially on a Friday. We haven't seen each other in weeks so we decided to catch up. You know, shopping, coffee, girl talk, all that sort of stuff.”
    “Sounds boring!” Jake laughed. “So, tell me, how's things with your man, Dick?” He couldn't help but laugh each time he said his name. 
    “Dick is fine. We're fine. Things are going great, thank you.” Jake gave her a smile, but it wasn't the warm, pleasant smile that Ivy was used to. He turned his attention back to the TV. Ivy looked around; “Where's Sienna?” 
    “Oh, she's taking a shower,” he replied. 
    “What's going on with you, Jake? How have things been here?”
    “Same as always,” he said, unsure of how he was supposed to respond. 
    “I mean with you and Sienna. Have things changed?”
    “She's still fucking Jesse if that's what you're asking,” his response was frustrated. 
    “So you still haven't told her how you feel?”
    “No! And I'm not going to Ivy.”
    “Jake, you can't do this to yourself. I hate seeing you unhappy. I feel really guilty about all this.”
    “Guilty? Why the hell would you feel guilty?” He asked, confused. 
    “Because a while ago, it was me who had a crush on you and now all that's changed. I mean, please don't get me wrong, you're a great guy. I just mean that, you were kind of my first crush, you were always around Sienna and I've grown up with you. And now, I've found a guy that I actually enjoy being around, I didn't think anything would come of it. Yet, here we are together and happy, Sienna's with Jesse and you're all alone.”
    Jake switched off the TV and faced Ivy; “Ivy, listen to me. You don't need to worry about me, I'm fine. This thing with Sienna, nothing can ever come of it. She can never know how I feel. I believe that she genuinely likes Jesse, the two of them are happy and I'm happy for them, and I'm happy for you too, I'm glad you've found someone, really I am.”
    “Really? I don't think so, Jake. I know how much Sienna means to you, you've been around her most of your life and it's only natural that you'd have feelings like this. I just don't think it's fair that she and I are with someone and we're happy and you're not.”
    The water in the bathroom stopped, Ivy and Jake looked at one another, “Look, why don't you go to the Dark Falkon concert with Sienna. She was meant to be taking me, but I'm not really fussed if I don't go, you can have my

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