Fire on the Water

Fire on the Water by Joe Dever

Book: Fire on the Water by Joe Dever Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joe Dever
Tags: Fiction, Fantasy, lone wolf, Magnamund
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running north to south. It is now so dark that you are unable to read the street signs. You must find shelter for the night. To your right you see a light above a sign.
    Ragadorn Stables and Coach Station
    Under cover of the dark, you enter by a side entrance and spend the night safely hidden in the hay-loft.
    Turn to 32 .

    You come to rest face downwards in a tangle of thick bracken. The ringing of steel and the horrible cries of the Helghast echo through the trees around you. You are stunned and cannot move until a hand grabs your arm and pulls you upright. It is Rhygar. His face is bloodied and his armour is battered and charred.
    ‘We must flee these demons, Lone Wolf. 17 Strength and steel will not avail us here.’
    You glimpse the silhouette of six Helghast on the forest road above. Their minds bent on the slaughter of Rhygar's men, they fail to see you both slip away under cover of the wooded hillside.
    Turn to 299 .
    [17] If you have not already been told, the Helghast are the riders who attacked your party. Helghast are ‘fell captains of the Darklords. They have the ability to adopt human form but are invulnerable to normal weapons.’

    The shriek of the dying Szall is soon echoed by your own death-cry as two crossbow bolts embed themselves in your back.
    Your mission and your life end here.

    You search in his pack and are horrified to find that it contains a scroll of human skin upon which a message has been written in a strange runic script. The only word that you can make out is ‘Kai’. You also find an evil-looking dagger with a black blade, and a block of cold obsidian.
    These items bear the signs of the Darklords' craft. Something is very wrong here. You drop the pack as quickly as if it were red-hot and turn to mount your horse. To your dismay, you find it is no longer there: the Szalls must have stolen it. Wearily, you realize you will now have to continue your journey on foot.
    Turn to 138 .

    The meal is poor. It is made up of yesterday's leftovers, and what the captain tells you as you finish your meagre supper confirms your suspicions.
    ‘I have a confession to make, Kai Lord. The fire destroyed our entire food store; we had barely enough in the galley for this meal. I fear that we will have to survive on a diet of fresh fish until we reach Port Bax.’
    Unless you have food in your Backpack, the poor meal leaves you hungry and you lose 2 ENDURANCE points.
    After dinner, the captain challenges you to a game of Samor, a board game a little like chess, involving skilful strategy and bluff. To add a little excitement, he suggests a small wager.
    If you wish to accept his offer, turn to 12 .
    If you wish to decline the game, bid the captain goodnight and return to your cabin to sleep by turning to 197 .

    There is a strong aura of evil surrounding these cloaked riders. Your Kai sense warns you not to follow Rhygar and his men on their impetuous charge. You shout a warning to them to stop them attacking, but it is too late. You cannot be heard above their battle-cries and the thundering hooves of their mounts.
    Turn to 277 .

    The captain orders the crew to hoist all the sails to attempt to outrun the vessel, but the pirate ship is fast and is trying to cross the bows of the
Green Sceptre
. A collision seems imminent.
    ‘Prepare to ram,’ the captain cries, as the side of the red-sailed warship looms up directly in front of the prow. There is an enormous crack of splintered timber as the
Green Sceptre
punches a large hole into the side of the pirate ship, and you are thrown to the deck with a jolt.
    Illustration XIX —The black-clad shape of a Drakkarim warrior is advancing towards you, a large broadsword raised.
    As the pirates clamber aboard, you are horrified to see the black-clad shape of a Drakkarim warrior in their midst. He has spotted you and he is advancing towards you, a large broadsword raised above his head. You must fight him to the death.

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