garage.” He joked.
“ No, I don’t think I would trust you or your brother with a saw.” At this Iian exploded in laughter.
They sat and talked for another half hour, then Iian finished mowing the back yard and left. She was picking up sign language quickly and enjoyed learning it. He always made a point to help her learn simple words. Being able to use just her good hand didn’t help her learn most of the simple words, but she muddled through.
Once she had made up her mind to finish the cabins, it seemed to her that her ear was stuck to the phone. Calls to and from electricians, plumbers, and everyone else. It seemed to go by so fast. Before she knew it, the contractor trucks were parked in her driveway, loading and hauling everything out towards the cabins.
On the first morning that work commenced, it had been almost eleven before she’d been able to have her first cup of coffee. She’d been running back and forth opening the cabins, and showing the contractors around. She’d not only been on edge, but almost ready to call it quits. Then the coffee had worked into her blood stream, and all seemed right again. The rest of the day went off without a hitch.
Even when Father Michael had stopped by, she dealt with his visits with grace and patience. He was the closest thing to a grandfather figure she’d ever had. He seemed somewhat overly protective of her and she enjoyed it.
He had of course visited on several occasions before, she’d even had several visits from what Lacey liked to call the church women. There was a group of them. All silver haired, frail looking and very overwhelming. She enjoyed their visits, but she enjoyed it more after they left, and the house was quiet again.
It seemed that every day there was a Jordan in her house, bringing food, making food, they even helped her on several occasions with the cabins. She enjoyed feeling like part of their family and truly felt blessed. She looked forward to their daily visits.
The next few days were filled with contractors coming and going. The work was a long slow process for her, but she managed with Todd’s help to start painting the last cabin herself, with the sprayer she’d purchased.
He had shown up one day with Iian and helped her preparing and tape all the rooms for painting. She had rented a large sander for the floors and Iian had taken to it like it was the coolest toy he’d ever seen. Before she could even blink, he had the remaining two cabin floors sanded and ready to stain. She really wanted to try the sanding machine out herself, but she couldn’t complain about the help. Every time Iian came, he brought wonderful sandwiches and soup for all the workers, which of course made everyone working in a better mood.
Iian had just bought over dinner one afternoon, after a hard days work. They were sitting on the front porch eating at her small table and talking about what she should plant in her garden, when an old blue truck drove up and parked in the drive.
Megan was exited to see Allison step out and wave up to them. She had on a white dress that flowed when she walked. Making her look even taller than before. “I’ve got your paintings here.” She called up.
“Oh! Good.” Megan hopped up and started down the stairs when she realized Iian was still sitting on the chair. He was looking at Allison with a funny look on his face, his whole body was tense. Megan turned back to him. “You know Allison Adams? She brought my paintings I bought from her. Can you help us get them from the truck?” she asked.
He just nodded and followed her down the stairs.
“Hi Iian.” Allison paused from pulling out one of the larger paintings. She had jumped into the bed of the truck and was handing paintings down.
Iian just nodded. Megan thought it was strange how he was acting. Then she noticed that all the pictures were wrapped with brown paper, and appeared to be
Carolyn Keene
Michael Cadnum
Rebecca Hart
Jacqueline Rhoades
Jennifer Harlow
Atul Gawande
Brenda Cothern
Antonio Tabucchi
Mike Shepherd