“Oh, the frames came in, wow that was fast.” She began ripping off the paper on the one she held. “Oh, they look so professional.” Megan said holding it up. Iian looked over her shoulder at the painting, noticing the small signature in the corner, and then looked back up at Allison with newness registering on his face.
“I really like the look of this small one that you had matted and framed.” Allison said holding it up and walking to the back of the truck. Iian quickly walked over and helped her down from the bed of the truck. When Megan noticed that his hands stayed on Allison’s hips a little longer, she quickly looked away smiling to herself.
“You did these?” Iian asked in a quiet voice. Allison hadn’t heard him speak since before his accident. She was a little shocked and excited at the smoothness.
She nodded and blushed. When Megan looked back at the pair, Allison was back to moving the paintings to the edge of the truck. Iian had his hands shoved into his pockets and was staring at a rock by his foot.
When, all the art was moved safely into the house, and unwrapped, she asked, “Would you like to stay for dinner? Iian has enough food to feed a small army.”
“Oh, well, I don’t want to interrupt your dinner…” Allison broke off, looking back and forth between Iian and Megan.
Megan noticed the quick looks and almost laughed, realizing that her back was to Iian, she quickly assured Allison that Iian was just a good friend. When Allison took a quick step back towards the door, she realized that the girl was scared and very nervous. “I really enjoy the company, plus, I would like to pay you for delivering these to me.”
“Oh, well, I guess.” Allison dropped off looking over at Iian again.
“Good.” Megan interrupted. “Come on, we were just eating out on the front porch.”
Iian no longer talked using his voice; instead he would sign to Megan slow enough for her to understand, she had learned the alphabet, and basic words, enough to get along.
“ This chicken is very good.” Allison said to Iian. Iian nodded in reply and smiled slightly handing her a roll.
Todd had mentioned that Iian only talked around people he felt comfortable around. He looked very uncomfortable. Within five minutes of finishing his plate, he was back up and signed that he had to go to work, and then left quickly and quietly.
Allison stayed for several hours, helping Megan hang some of the pictures in the house. The ones for the cabins would have to be hung after she was done painting.
She enjoyed Allison’s company. She’d told Allison that her friend who owned the gallery was interested in seeing some of her paintings. She had called Ric Derby, the owner of the art galleries, right after her first visit with Allison. He’d been excited to know that Megan had moved to the west coast, and was looking forward to her visit. It had seemed to her, that he’d been more interested in meeting her than seeing Allison’s paintings, but she didn’t pass that information on to Allison. Allison said she was excited about having a professional’s opinion of her art.
After Allison left for the evening, Megan decided to take a walk. She enjoyed the cool evenings. There was a foot path that she’d discovered not too long ago, which led to a small pond. The pond cornered the Bell property, her other neighbors, the Jordan’s property, and her own.
She enjoyed her walks to the beach, but the pond was closer and she found it more soothing. Tonight the pond was quiet and surreal. She’d taken several walks there. Sometimes taking along a book to read as she sat on a large flat rock that sat by the water. Large frogs jumped around the waters edge. Once, Megan had seen a deer drinking on the other side of the pond.
She could just imagine this place as magical. She thought the dragonflies would turn into small fairies when no one was looking.
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