Finding Alien Love (SciFi Alien Romance)
counterpoint to his thrusts, nipping sharply at her shoulder, her back.
    Daphne tried to hold back, knowing that the two men needed relief just as much as she did. She heard the growling, groaning moans coming from in front and behind her as the two men moved faster and faster; Dov pounding into her from behind as Ben’s hips bucked and twitched, pushing his cock deeper into her mouth, almost brushing against the back of her throat. She couldn’t hold back any longer; before she could even think to hold herself back any longer, every muscle in Daphne’s body tensed and relaxed in spasms. She moaned again and again as wave after wave of pleasure coursed through her body, as she felt both men’s cocks twitching inside of her. Just as she reached the apex of her orgasm, Daphne heard the two men roar out; first Dov and then Ben, and she felt the warm gush of Dov’s come splashing deep inside of her, one instant before she received the first hot rush of Ben’s orgasm flooding her mouth. She swallowed and moved, twisting and writhing as her orgasm intensified. Daphne could not be sure if their orgasms lasted for only a few seconds or an hour—the pleasure crackling through her body was so overwhelming that every thought in her mind blotted out, and she barely felt herself sagging between the two men as they finished.

    Ben watched Daphne sleep, curled up in Dov’s bed, still fully naked. He smiled wryly to himself; they had so thoroughly gotten the woman off that she had blacked out, slipping into a deep doze wedged between his and Dov’s bodies, right there in the woods. “We should take her somewhere comfortable,” Dov had suggested, and Ben had agreed. There was a great deal more for them to explain to her once she came to.
    “Do you think we should be—worried? Concerned?” Ben glanced away from Daphne to look at his friend. They had gathered up Daphne’s clothes, carrying her through the woods with the preternatural strength that their dual natures afforded them, but they hadn’t bothered to re-dress her, or themselves.
    “That depends on how she feels about all this when she wakes up,” Dov said, leaning back in his chair. “If she freaks…” he cringed slightly.
    “If she freaks, we’ll have to tell Sasha.”
    “We’ll have to tell Sasha anyway,” Dov pointed out. “Have you noticed anything, Ben?” Dov raised an eyebrow and Ben frowned in thought, wondering what his friend was referring to. All at once it occurred to him; he could feel Daphne—a little bit, not as clearly as he could feel the mind of his best friend, or one of the other members of the Nita clan, but the sense was there all the same. Ben opened his mind more thoroughly, seeking the small, faint coil of thought. He sensed warmth, satisfaction, tingling pleasure—pleasure that wasn’t just his, but was Daphne’s.
    “Oh, shit,” Ben said. “She’s bonded to us already?” Dov chuckled.
    “Well you have to admit it was pretty intense out there,” he pointed out. “So…,” Dov took a deep breath and exhaled. “We need to explain to Sasha that we’re sharing a mate. I’m sure we can’t be the first bears in history to do that.”
    “Are you willing to share her?” Ben felt a flicker of something like jealousy; it hadn’t bothered him to share Daphne with Dov as a fling—but could he really share her as a mate? Did he have a choice, if Dov was also hearing and sensing her thoughts?
    “After what just happened in the woods? If she’s willing, I’m willing. And brother, I’m feeling like this is one willing female.” Ben snorted.
    Before he could pursue the subject any further, Daphne stirred on the bed, and Ben felt the shift in her mental signature as she awakened. After a few moments, she opened her eyes, glancing around in confusion. “Where am I?” she asked, frowning in thought. Her gaze fell on Ben and color flooded into Daphne’s cheeks. “Oh god, that wasn’t a dream, was it?”
    Maybe a wet

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