Finding Alien Love (SciFi Alien Romance)
slick, wet feeling of her pussy, the full feeling as Dov’s cock filled her up inch by inch, slowly pushing past the resistance of her body. He climbed back into the bed, moving closer to the two, taking up his position behind Daphne as she began to ride his best friend in achingly slow movements. Ben let his hands trail all over her body, caressing and exploring her curves; if he and Dov were able to convince her to stay with them, Ben thought that he would never tire of exploring her delicious body, but if they didn’t, he should take every opportunity she granted. Slowly he worked his way down to the curve of her ass, kneading the plump flesh there, carefully trailing his fingertips along her cleft. Ben kissed along her shoulders, pulling Daphne’s hair lightly aside to nuzzle the base of her neck as he opened the bottle of massage oil and carefully dripped some onto his fingers.
    Daphne let out a half-whimpering moan as Ben began to swirl his fingertips against her tight pucker, pressing lightly. He knew from her thoughts that she’d never done this before—but he also knew that she was eager to try it, at least with the two men she was with. Ben slowly, steadily teased her, coaxing her body to relax, coaxing her to accept the penetration as Daphne continued to move on top of Dov, taking his cock deeper and deeper inside of her. Ben could feel her pleasure mounting, and knew that none of them would last very long—he sent a private request to his best friend to slow down, just enough to let them all get what they needed.
    Ben worked Daphne’s tight pucker, sliding first one and then two fingers inside of her, spreading the oil thoroughly and wriggling along the tight, flexing muscles. He felt her ambivalent desire, felt her gradually giving into the strange pleasure his touches were giving her. He stretched her as carefully as he could, knowing that he needed to prepare her, but knowing that it was not something that could be rushed. When he finally thought that she was fully ready, he withdrew his fingers, pouring a little more of the oil into his hand and applying it to his throbbing, aching cock.
    Ben pushed Daphne gently forward, positioning himself behind her. He spread her ass cheeks, and pressed the tip of his cock against her, hesitating only a moment before he thrust his hips. He sank into her slowly—achingly slowly—filling her up from behind as Dov continued to thrust up inside of her, and Ben groaned, a bear-like growl rising up in him, as their mutual pleasure washed through his mind. He moved inside of her, starting as slow as his impatient desire would allow and then gaining speed, his hands wandering, colliding with Dov’s all over Daphne’s body. The three of them moved together in a rhythm that none of them could resist, and Ben’s pleasure mounted faster and faster as Daphne’s tight muscles flexed around him, as he caught the sensations she was feeling: the thrill, the excitement, the deliciously full feeling.
    Ben was never certain which one of them reached orgasm first—but as Daphne’s muscles fluttered around him in erratic spasms, her moans and Dov’s filling his ears, he could hold back no longer and groaned out his pleasure as he came, buried deep inside of her. After a few moments that felt like an hour, Ben sagged against his mate and clan-brother, utterly spent, pleasure and satisfaction crackling through his body. As Daphne’s breath gradually slowed, he felt the acceptance in her mind. “Yeah, okay,” she said, panting slightly as she squirmed free of her position between the two men. She flashed them both a mischievous grin. “I think I can definitely do this.”

Saved By The Alpha Lion
    “Flight One eighteen now boarding first class passengers at gate three B; would first class passengers on flight One eighteen to Puerto Vallarta please begin boarding at gate three B now?”
    Charlie was standing next to the terminal’s enormous conveyor belt, staring

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