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Book: Finally by Scarlett Metal Read Free Book Online
Authors: Scarlett Metal
Tags: Romance
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between us seemed to pick up. This was the first time we would be together when I was single. From what I’d picked up from our conversations, Marcus wasn’t seeing anyone seriously either. His job as head engineer kept him pretty busy. I also got the feeling from some of his past comments and the teasing he took from his coworkers, he liked to play the field.
    I was ready for some fun since Kyle and I had broken up and Marcus might fit the bill perfectly. I’d never been a person who had one-night stands, but I wasn’t ready to jump into a relationship with anyone right now. If nothing else, maybe Marcus and I could have some sexy fun with each other. Living so far apart from each other would make a romantic relationship difficult, but having someone I could hook up with once in awhile might not be a bad thing.
    I checked my watch. I was supposed to meet my best friend Amanda at the bar she managed. I closed my laptop and gathered all the notes I would need for the customer meeting so I wouldn’t have to in the morning.
    I looked down as my phone started to ring. It was Amanda. I’m sure she was going to yell at me for still being at work. “I know, I know, I’m on the way,” I said as I answered, continuing to organize papers on my desk.
    "Where are you? Not still at work, are you?" Amanda asked, almost shouting in my ear.
    I cringed at her question. She always yelled at me for working too much. "Yes, I’m still at work. I’m just getting things ready for tomorrow. I’ll be there in thirty minutes, promise."
    Amanda let out a snort. "Yeah right." She paused. “Wait, tomorrow’s the day you see Marcus, isn’t it?”
    My heart skipped a beat at the thought. “Yep," I said as I powered down my computer.
    "What are ya gonna wear?” She asked.
    "Well, it’s a work thing, so I can’t look slutty, but I want to be sexy. Classy and professional, but sexy too. Think I can pull that off?” I sighed. Why was I so nervous about seeing him?
    "It’s about time you get laid. How long has it been since Kyle? And you’ve only been lusting after Marcus forever,” Amanda said dryly on the other end. I’d confided in her long ago about my attraction to Marcus, so she knew what this trip could mean.
    “I know! But I was with Kyle. Now I’m not,” I trailed off, unable to even say out loud all of the possibilities running through my head.
    “So now you can fuck him,” Amanda finished for me. Leave it to her to be so crass. That’s just one of many reasons why I loved her.
    “Amanda!” I scolded her, but couldn’t help but laugh. “Maybe he won’t even want me.”
    “From all the flirty you tell me about, I think he’s had the hots for you just as long as you’ve had for him.”
    “I hope so. Maybe I’ve just been imagining it all these years. Maybe that’s just how he is and he flirts with everyone,” I murmured into the phone.
    “Whatever. Listen, we’re slow tonight at the bar, so I’ll meet you at your place. We’ll figure out what to dress your sexy ass in for tomorrow. I’m going to hang up now and I’ll see you in 20 minutes." There was a click on the other end as Amanda hung up before I could even say goodbye.
    I threw my phone into my purse with a smile. For the first time ever, I was actually looking forward to a customer visit. I couldn’t wait to see Marcus.

    Chapter Two – Marcus
    I had trouble sleeping the night before flying out to Chicago. I was worse than a kid at Christmas; I couldn’t wait to see Lauren. Even though we talked almost every day at work, I hadn’t actually seen her in about six months. I was glad I’d decided to stay in town a few extra days to see Chicago. I’d told her I wanted to stay longer because I’d never been there, but I really just wanted to spend the extra time with her. This would be the first time we would spend time alone outside of work. My heart started pounding when I thought about it.
    I rolled over in bed with a sigh, looking at the

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