Fighting Destiny

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Book: Fighting Destiny by Annalisa Simon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Annalisa Simon
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    Candasee reached up again and pressed her lips against Nathan’s and he responded without hesitation. She wanted her heart to be whole again and she wanted to share her life with Nathan.
    “Perhaps we can have dinner tonight in the restaurant near the sea. I went walking out there this morning and I think I saw one with a Cajun theme to the menu. I know how much you like Cajun cuisine!” he said smiling and pressing butterfly kisses along her cheek and neck. Candasee sensed a tingling warmth spreading through her body at his touch. Nathan loved her and he wanted the real Candasee, she thought as she pressed closer against him. He was unmistakably aroused and she knew how much he wanted her but so far she hadn’t allowed them to go that far as yet. He’d been ridiculously patient with her and perhaps tonight was the time to fully let go!
    “I would love to. I’m looking forward to it!” Candasee replied stroking the roughness of his cheek with her hand.
    Nathan heard her response, but he still had a feeling that based on the look he exchanged with Darius earlier that not even his moving in here to 746 would be a deterrent to that man.
    Later that evening , after the opening ceremony finished and the classes were about to close for the day, Candasee finally began to relax a little. The day’s orientation sessions were extremely successful and the facilities exceeded everyone’s greatest expectations. Forty talented delegates came from all over the Caribbean and all were thrilled with the hotel and the proposed intensive program. The participants in her dance class in particular were very excited to learn new things and to display their talents. A scholarship winner would be announced at the end and everyone paid her their rapt attention as she issued important reminders.
    “F or the modern dancing module of the intensive you will be learning one group piece and you will also be required to present a self-choreographed interpretation as a solo to a song we will reveal to you tomorrow. This will be your final showcase piece but you can opt which module you wish to perform your final piece in. For those of you don’t opt to showcase dance your score will be taken in class and added to your showcase module. Please note that you should restrict your practicing to this conference area during the intensive hours. You will be given free time during the day to work on your pieces so don’t spend it all on the beach and no practicing must be done in your rooms. I am sure you can see that this is a five star property and breaking anything will cost you dearly!”
    As she spoke , a buzz of excitement rippled throughout the students who stood before her. Each delegate was between the ages of eighteen and twenty-five and this year there was a notable increase in males. She couldn’t help noticing just how well suited this conference room was for their purposes. The carpets had been removed to reveal a well polished hardwood floor beneath which was perfect for dance.
    “Management has also asked that you take this into consideration while you are here and take care how you behave and treat the property,” she continued.
    “My parents could buy this hotel ten times over, what’s so special about it?” huffed Eve, one of the students from Trinidad in a snide tone.
    “The point is that we are guests here and so are you. I am sure your parents are not planning to invest millions to buy the Derrien Island Grande right now, because you think you have a right to do whatever you feel like to the place!” quipped another student, Julia who lived on Derrien Island.
    “What would you know about what my parents would do for me Julia? I bet you barely made it here, what with those ratty looking clothes you are wearing!” retorted Eve smugly.
    “Okay, enough!” said Candasee raising her voice. “Julia is right Eve, we are here as guests and we will be leaving this property in better condition than we found it! Is that

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