Fighting Destiny

Fighting Destiny by Annalisa Simon Page A

Book: Fighting Destiny by Annalisa Simon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Annalisa Simon
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all of this looks really bad, but I swear nothing happened between us, I love you,” said Candasee now frustrated with Darius and herself for even being put in this position. Nathan was the last person she wanted to hurt right now and all it took was one night for her to make this relationship look as though it meant absolutely nothing to her.
    She stepped closer to him and threaded her arms around his neck and rested her cheek against his chest. “ I’m so sorry. He means nothing to me! I’m with you, okay! Am I forgiven?” she asked softly. Darius was her past no matter what he said earlier. Okay, so he was calling a truce between them, perhaps a chance to be friends again eventually but Nathan was offering her compatibility and his love and she had no right to trample all over that.
    Nathan breathed a sigh of relief as Candasee stepped into his arms and he did not hesitate to hold her to him tightly. He wanted to believe her despite the evidence.
    “Yes I can forgive you, but only on one condition. You let me move in here with you!” he said against her hair. “We need to be together Candee. This relationship means too much for us to throw it away with misunderstandings, especially while we are here. I can see that happening all too easily.”
    He held her away from him and studied the look in her eyes as she once again considered his request.
    “Nathan, we don’t need to go to such lengths, you can trust me!” Candasee protested.
    “It’s not you I don’t trust Candasee. I’m a man and I know when I have received a direct challenge. You may choose not to see it but Darius has basically told me that you are off-limits and I refuse to just stand around while he thinks he can have his way with you again! Especially now that he thinks that all I am to you is your boss!”
    Candasee cringed inwardly again as she recalled how she introduced him. Maybe this was what she needed to do to make sure she gave this relationship the chance it deserved and perhaps it would also send Darius the message to stay away from her! She had been here for less than twenty-four hours and already her emotions were in turmoil and her heart and body were in danger of betraying all she tried to hide inside for that past two years. She couldn’t risk having him hurt her again like before. She had to keep it together and she would, after all it was only eight days before she and Nathan would return to Barbados.
    “Okay, you can move in here with me!” replied Candasee warily as her emotions tossed within her like a whirlwind. She knew partly that she was doing this to keep Darius away and knowing his brute determination; he’d never let anything get in the way of what he wanted but she had to try something. By being on a different floor it also would not be as obvious to the other delegates that she and Nathan were sharing a room.
    Nathan could see the conflict in Candasee’s eyes as she struggled to decide. He knew her agreement meant that she would be making a powerful statement to Darius about her relationship with him and that meant more to him than anything.
    “Candee honey, do you know how much I love you?” Nathan asked not waiting for a reply before kissing her lips. Just the contact with the softness of her body pressed against him was intoxicating to say the least. She responded to him opening her mouth and inviting the warm stroke of his tongue against her own. She tasted like strawberries and cream and he felt himself harden with desire to have all of her as he explored her mouth hungrily.
    Reluctantly and remembering the time he pulled away slightly and allowed himself to catch his breath before speaking softly.
    “I’ m not prepared to share you with anyone, especially not your ex-husband! Remember that!” he said softly stroking her cheek.
    “You aren’t sharing me with anyone Nathan, I promise!”
    “Good because I can’t do that. I want all of you Candasee, your whole heart just like you have all of

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