F*cking Awkward
leave?” he asked, his hands locking behind my back, tugging me against his chest.
    He was such a smug, cocky cowboy. “I’ll stay for now.”
    “Mmm . . . I bet you will.”
    I bit down on my lip again, my body flashing in anxious heat. Unable to take it any longer, I reached between us and unhooked the button of my mini skirt.
    He groaned and I smiled to myself. He wasn’t the only one that could play games. “I could work around that, you know. You don’t have to try and take it off,” he whispered as if each word was a struggle.
    My legs tingled as I unzipped the skirt. “Now where’s the fun in that?” I threw his words back at him and watched him pinch his eyes shut, his jaw straining.
    I wiggled my hips, letting the skirt shimmy down my thighs, slide past my knees, and fall to my ankles. TJ’s palms moved across the bare skin of my ass cheeks and I moaned at the primitive touch.
    “Goddamn it, woman. I need to fuck you now.”
    Every pulse in me was beating out of control. My legs were languid, my skin on fire, my sex was about to explode if TJ didn’t get inside of me soon. I inched my legs apart, giving him access when I was stopped short due to my skirt pooling at my feet.
    It had to go. I needed that damn thing far away.
    TJ’s fingers trailed lower, sending goose bumps cascading down my backside at the sensual touch.
    I lifted my left leg, easing my foot out of the skirt only to get the edge of my heel caught on the seam. Trying to nonchalantly unhook it while TJ was nibbling on my ear lobe, I gracefully kicked my heel off. Unfortunately, it wasn’t as graceful as it was intended to be.
    Clank. Crash. Thunk.
    TJ’s hand flew straight to the back of his head. “Ouch! What the fuck!”
    I palmed my mouth to smother a giggle desperately trying to escape.
    “Really?” he asked, holding the broom that knocked him in the back of the head because of my not so ‘graceful’ move.
    “Oopsy.” I shrugged.
    His shoulders fell with a heavy sigh as he put the broom behind him in a more secure spot. “I’m gonna stand over here while you take your other shoe off.” He folded his arms over his chest.
    I let out a laugh while I carefully slipped off my other shoe. The last piece separating me from TJ was my skirt that was pooling at my right foot. I decided to give TJ a little something extra while he waited patiently for me to finish. I leaned backward as much as I could and kicked my foot up. Instead of the skirt flying upward into TJ, my foot made contact with his groin.
    TJ cupped his junk and groaned.
    “Oh, shit!” I stumbled over my foot but caught myself as I came to TJ’s aid. I held my hands over his, not realizing the intimate moment until his wide eyes lifted and met my panicked ones.
    I glanced down at my hands that were cupping his manhood. Was the room shrinking or was it just me?
    “I got it from here.” TJ’s raspy low voice interrupted my thoughts.
    This wasn’t the end. Playing off my foul, I curled my lips to the side. “Now where’s the fun in that? Hmmmm?” I pried his fingers away, earning a raised brow in return.
    I undid his fancy buckle, leaving his belt hanging on the sides as I popped open the brass button to his jeans. “Still got it from here?” I asked, peering up at him with question in my eyes.
    He straightened his spine and squared his shoulders, sending my chest into another fit of rapid beats. “You’re runnin’ the show. By all means, continue.” His dimple made another appearance and I swallowed hard. Another wave of excitement rolled through me. Ready for more of this man, I hurried to lower his zipper but his warm hand on top of mine stopped me. I batted my lashes as I glanced up at him.
    “Easy does it on that, ‘kay?”
    I peered down at the zipper and then back up at TJ. “You have nothing to worry about.”
    “Lemme do it.” His words were rushed as if he didn’t trust me at all.
    I nudged his hand away and tilted my head. “I’ve got

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