F#ckGirl (F#ckGirl #1)

F#ckGirl (F#ckGirl #1) by Sheila Michelle Page B

Book: F#ckGirl (F#ckGirl #1) by Sheila Michelle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sheila Michelle
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and tell him that Sloan and I are definitely
getting back together then I’m gonna do that. You know, Erin? I
wish people wouldn’t take things so seriously? I mean, who wants to
be tied down to someone that they’ve known since high school for
the rest of their lives? After we leave that place, there are
billions of other people out there to meet and this whole big world
to explore. I just like to have fun with people and be
    “Well, so do I. But there’s
a difference between having fun with people and fucking with them,
and Felicity, you’re one who fucks with people — you have to admit
that. You need to change, seriously . Like I’ve told you a lot,
not everything’s fun and games, especially someone’s
    “Well, whatever,” Felicity said with an eye
roll. “Look, you just better think about what you’re gonna wear to
Moves on Friday because we’re really gonna party hard!”
    “Oh, no! I think I’m gonna lose sleep
tonight because I can’t figure out what I’m gonna wear to a club
that I’ve been to a million times!” Erin sarcastically replied.
    “Shut up!” Felicity said with a laugh, as
she hit her. “Well, I know how I’m gonna be dressed there, so you
can dress however you want because regardless, it’s gonna be a
night that we’re not gonna forget!”
    Erin looked at her when she’d said this, and
wasn’t sure how she should’ve taken it.

Chapter 14
    “W OW! It’s really packed in here! Holy shit!” Felicity said, as
she bobbed her head to the music while she sat at her favorite
table with Erin at Moves.
    “Well, it looks like today was the right day
to come on,” Erin said, as she looked around. “Felicity!”
    “What?!” Felicity said.
    “Oh, my God! Look who just walked in!” Erin
    Felicity looked in the
direction that Erin was looking in. “Oh, no way! Of all nights?!
What the hell are they doing here?!” she asked, as she watched as Jackie was all over
Allen, while her friends Willow, Trina, and Cherie talked to boys
that were Allen’s friends. “This is, like, the second time I’ve
seen them here! So it’s been over a year since they’ve been
    “Um . . . and they’re not the only ones from
our school that’s here,” Erin said.
    “Oh, God! Who else?” Felicity asked. She
once again looked in Erin’s direction and saw Sloan walk in with
two of his friends. She jumped up and pushed her way through people
over to him. “BAE!” she said as loud as she could, and then wrapped
herself all over him.
    “Felicity, hey,” Sloan said, as he tried to
get her off of him.
    “What are you doing here tonight?” she
    “Well, there wasn’t anything to do. We don’t
have another game until a few days from now so we thought it would
be nice to come here since there wasn’t anything else that was
goin’ on tonight,” he replied.
    “Well, you came to the right place, bae,”
she said with a big smile. She looked at Sloan’s friends that were
with him and smiled at them; they grinned back. She looked at
Sloan. “Have you seen who else is here?”
    “No, who?” he asked.
    “Jackie, Allen, Trina,
Cherie . . . and Willow, ” she replied with an eye
    He grinned. “Wow. I guess there’s not much
goin’ on tonight because they’re just as rare coming here as I am,”
he replied.
    “Well, you’re not gonna dance with Willow,
are you?”
    “Felicity. We’re not together anymore. I’m
not with Willow and I’m not with you, and I don’t feel like having
a big fight started in here between the two of you over me,
    “Please, don’t flatter yourself,
okay?” she said with a smirk.
    “Look who’s fuckin’ talking about flattering
one’s self? You’re the fuckin’ queen of it!” he replied.
    “Well, I don’t fight over any guy, so you
can do what you wanna do because I always do what I wanna do.”
    “And that’s why we’re not together anymore.
Excuse me, now. I’m

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