F#ckGirl (F#ckGirl #1)

F#ckGirl (F#ckGirl #1) by Sheila Michelle Page A

Book: F#ckGirl (F#ckGirl #1) by Sheila Michelle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sheila Michelle
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    “Well, why would he think
that you’re not here, Felicity, just because your car is parked in
the garage? Because he can clearly see that my car is parked in the driveway! So
why would I be here if you’re not here?”
    Felicity sighed. “I know, Erin, okay?”
    The doorbell rang two more times.
    They walked back to
Felicity’s room and crawled over to her bedroom window. Once they
got to it, they stayed down as they slowly peeked up out of it to
see where Reamer was at. They saw him walking back to his car, and
then saw Taylor pull up in
his ! He slowed down as he rolled down his
window as Reamer walked over to his driver’s side
    “Oh, shit, Felicity! What do you think
they’re talking about?!”
    “It better not be about me,” Felicity
    “Well, why wouldn’t it be about you? He
happens to be in your driveway ready to leave! It looks as if he’d
just seen you!”
    “Well, he didn’t, and I dare him to say that
he did!” Felicity warned.
    They stayed low as Reamer and Taylor
continued to talk. Reamer finally went back to his car, got in it
and left, as Taylor pulled up in the driveway of his house. He then
got out of his car, and walked into his house.
    Felicity and Erin finally got up and looked
out the window once again. Felicity shut the curtains and sat down
at her desk; Erin sat on her bed.
    Felicity sighed. “Now I think I know how
Reamer found out where I live.”
    Erin looked at her. “How?”
    Felicity picked up her phone and pointed to
one of her selfies on it that she took while she and Erin were in a
coffee shop just an hour before after school today. “This is how.
After this pic, I forgot to turn off the location map. So the
picture that I took of us here led him directly here since he
obviously follows me and my current location was still on.”
    “That’s why I never turn mine on, Felicity.
You just don’t know who’s out there following you and can end up
following you directly to your home if you don’t turn that location
shit off. I think that’s a very dangerous feature to have.”
    “Only if people abuse it,” Felicity said. “I
never have it on when I’m here taking selfies or other pictures —
just when I’m not here. But in this case, I did forget to turn it
off when we got back here so that’s how he was able to track me
    “Are you sure you don’t know what the hell
he was doing here? I mean, if some guy is going this far in finding
out where you live when you didn’t tell him then that’s scary,
Felicity. I see this guy differently now. It’s like he’s determined
to make you his girlfriend since he quit Audrey just for you. Some
people are determined to get who they want at whatever cost.”
    “Well, he’s not getting me and I mean
that! Like I told Sloan last night when we were talking about
Reamer, I never wanted anything serious with him and that the kiss
I gave him was as far as it was gonna go between us. I didn’t mean
to fuck with the guy’s feelings, but he should’ve seen it for what
it was and never should’ve quit Audrey for me. Just because I’m not
with Sloan anymore didn’t mean that I wanted to be with him and
that’s because I don’t wanna be with anyone.”
    “Well, Felicity, I agree a
hundred percent with you that he shouldn’t have quit Audrey for
you; I thought he went too far in doing that. I think he was one
that fell hard for you and maybe has always liked you; you just
didn’t know it. So when you gave him some attention and especially that kiss,
well, the guy lost his mind and quit his girlfriend thinking that
you were gonna be his next one. Some guys know that you’re fucking
with their minds, Felicity, then there’s others that don’t, and I
think Reamer’s one that doesn’t know, and you didn’t make it any
better by going over his house and jerking him off — now he’s
really thinking he has something going on with you.”
    “We have nothing going on. If I
have to lie to him

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