Favorite Socks

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Book: Favorite Socks by Ann Budd Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ann Budd
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the foot; hence, the instep stitches are worked first for the right sock and the sole stitches are worked first for the left sock to place “seam” (color changes) at inside of leg, where they are least noticeable.
At color changes, always bring the new yarn under the old to prevent holes.
    Setup for Working in the Round
    To set up for working in the round, pick up and knit 6 sts along each selvedge edge and 4 sts along CO edge of beginning rectangle.
Toe-Up Version Right Sock
    With red, CO 4 sts. Beg with a knit row, work these 4 sts in St st for 9 rows. With RS facing, use 3 other dpn to pick up and knit 6 sts along one side edge, 4 sts across CO edge, and 6 sts along other side edge (see box above ), then knit the first 2 sts from the original 4—20 sts total. Place marker (pm) and join, arranging sts so that there are 5 sts on each of 4 dpn and placing a second marker between the 10th and 11th sts.
Shape Toe
    Beg with red and alternating 2 rnds red with 2 rnds green, inc as foll:
    Rnds 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9: Knit.
    Rnds 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10: K1, M1 (see Glossary, page 124 ), knit to 1 st before m, M1, k2, M1, knit to 1 st before m, M1, k1—4 sts inc’d each rnd; 40 sts after Rnd 10.
    Rnd 11: Knit.
    Size small only:
    Rnd 12: K1, M1, knit to 1 st before m, M1, knit to end—42 sts.
    Rnd 13: Knit.
    Rnd 14: Knit to m, k1, M1, knit to 1 st before m, M1, k1—44 sts.
    Size large only:
    Rnd 12: K1, M1, knit to 1 st before m, M1, k2, M1, knit to 1 st before m, M1, k1—44 sts.
    Rnd 13: Knit.
    Rnd 14: K1, M1, knit to 1 st before m, M1, knit to end—46 sts.
    Rnd 15: Knit.
    Rnd 16: K1, M1, knit to 1 st before m, M1, knit to end—48 sts.
    Knit 0 (2) rnds red. Break off green. Join multicolored yarn and work Rnds 1–8 of slip-stitch patt (see Stitch Guide ) until piece measures about 7 (7½)" (18 [19] cm) from beg, or about 2¼ (2½)" (5.5 [6.5] cm) less than desired total foot length (including heel), ending with an even-numbered rnd.
Mark Heel Opening
    Cont in patt across first 22 (24) sts for instep, drop main yarn. With contrasting waste yarn, k22 (24) sts for heel, then drop contrasting yarn and work these 22 (24) sts again with main yarn. Knit to end of rnd. Note: Do not work slip-st patt on the 22 (24) heel sts for 2 rnds. Resume patt on all sts on the next odd-numbered rnd of patt.
    Cont in patt until piece measures about 2¼" (5.5 cm) less than desired total length to top.
    [Knit 2 rnds red, knit 2 rnds green] 3 times—6 stripes. With red, knit 5 rnds. BO all sts loosely.
    Place dpn through the 22 (24) sts on each side of the waste yarn, then carefully remove waste yarn as illustrated below. Arrange sts so that there are 11 (12) leg sts on each of 2 dpn and 11 (12) foot sts on each of 2 other dpn—44 (48) sts total. With red and beg at the gap between the leg and foot sts, pick up and knit 2 sts in gap, k22 (24), pick up and knit 4 sts in the gap on the other side, placing m between the 2nd and 3rd picked-up st, k22 (24), then pick up and knit 2 sts in the first gap—52 (56) sts total. Place m and join. K1, ssk, knit to 3 sts from next m, k2tog, k1; rep from *—4 sts dec’d. Alternating 2 rnds green with 2 rnds red, dec in this manner every other rnd 7 times total—24 (28) sts rem. Then dec every rnd until 12 sts rem. Knit 1 rnd.
    Remove Waste Yarn from Heel Opening

    With yarn threaded on a tapestry needle, use the Kitchener st (see Glossary, page 123 ) to graft rem sts tog. Weave in loose ends. Block lightly.
Toe-Up Version Left Sock
    Work as for right sock, but work slip-stitch patt in the opposite direction (Rnds 8–1) and mark the heel opening on the first 22 (24) sts of the rnd.
Leg-Down Version Right Sock
    With red, loosely CO 44 (48) sts. Arrange sts evenly on 4 dpn, place marker (pm), and join for working in the rnd, being careful not to twist sts.
    Knit 5 rnds. [Knit 2 rnds green, knit 2 rnds red] 3 times. Beg with Rnd 1, work slip-stitch patt (see

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