Favorite Socks

Favorite Socks by Ann Budd

Book: Favorite Socks by Ann Budd Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ann Budd
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woman (man).
    Worsted-weight yarn (CYCA #4 Medium).
    Shown here: Classic Elite Waterspun (100% felted merino; 138 yd [126 m]/50 g): #5046 blue spruce (MC), 2 skeins; #5026 opal basil (dark purple) and #5035 fern green, 1 skein each.
    Note: This yarn has been discontinued; substitute the lightly spun worsted-weight yarn of your choice.
    Size 4 (3.5 mm): set of 5 double-pointed (dpn). Adjust needle size if necessary to obtain the correct gauge.
    Marker (m); tapestry needle.
    14 stitches and 20 rows = 2" (5 cm) in stockinette stitch worked in the round.
    Slip 3 sts individually kwise, return these 3 sts to left needle, and purl them tog through their back loops.
Work a sample to learn the intarsia technique described on page 111 before beginning the footlets.
While color stranding the pattern on the instep band, use short lengths of contrasting color yarns instead of balls; this allows you to pull each strand free of the others as you use it and will reduce tangling.
If working the intarsia section while color stranding the design seems overwhelming, work the intarsia section entirely in the background color, then add the color work in duplicate stitch.

    With waste yarn, MC, and using the invisible method (see Glossary, page 121 ), provisionally CO 29 (33) sts. Work short-rows as foll: Knit to last st (leave last st unworked), turn, backward yo (see “Heel and Toe Construction” on page 27 ), purl to last st (leave last st unworked), turn. *Yo as usual (from front to back), knit to 1 st before yo, turn, backward yo, purl to 1 st before yo, turn. Rep from * until there are 11 (13) sts bet yarnovers, ending with a WS row. Turn. With RS facing, yo as usual, k11 (13) to first yo, correct mount of yo (so that leading side of loop is on the front of the needle), k2tog (yo and next st), turn. Backward yo, p12 (14) to first yo on left needle, ssp (yo and next st; see Glossary, page 125 ). **Turn, yo as usual, knit to first yo of 2 yos, correct mount of yo loop as before, k3tog (2 yos plus the next st), turn. Backward yo, purl to first yo of 2 yos, sssp (2 yos and the next st; see Stitch Guide ). Rep from ** until all sts have been worked, ending with a WS row—the last 2 turns will produce 1 yo at each end of needle. Carefully remove waste yarn from provisional CO and place 29 (33) live sts onto 2 dpn. Knit 1 rnd, eliminating the yos by working k2tog to join first yo with first picked-up st from waste yarn, knit to last yo, ssk (see Glossary, page 122 ) to join last picked-up st to rem yo—58 (66) sts.
    Place marker (pm) to indicate beg of rnd at side of foot. Cont even until piece measures about 4¼ (5½)" (11 [14] cm) from toe, or about 2½" (6.5 cm) less than desired length from tip of longest toe to ankle point. Working intarsia pattern as described on page 117 , work Rows 1–22 of Instep chart.
    The heel is worked in short-rows like the toe, beg with the underside of the heel using sts from the sole, not the sts used for the instep patt section. With MC, work to sole sts, place 29 (33) sole sts onto 1 needle for ease in working. Rem 29 (33) stitches will be worked later for instep. Work sole sts as foll: Knitto last sole st (leave last st unworked), turn, backward yo, purl to last st (leave last st unworked), turn. Work as for toe from * until there are 11 (13) sts bet yarnovers, ending with a WS row. Turn. With RS facing, yo as usual, k11 (13) to first yo, correct mount of yo, k2tog (yo and next st), turn. Backward yo, p12 (14) to first yo on left needle, ssp (yo and next st). Work as for toe from ** until all sts have been worked, ending with a WS row—the last 2 turns will produce 1 yo at each end of heel needle.
    The Ultimate Intarsia Technique
    When you have reached the location of your chosen pattern band, divide the stitches on four double-pointed needles (if they are not already in this arrangement) as follows: two needles to

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