Fatal Deception: Part I
went to the banister and leaned on it, her hip intentionally pushed outward toward hip.
    His eyes moved over her frame, carefully noting how snuggly her curves fit in her jeans. His mind wandered back to their kiss. It had been some time since he’d tasted the kiss of a woman with his tongue. Feeling himself becoming aroused, he excused himself, and quickly retreated into the house.
    She straightened up wondering where he was going. But no sooner than he’d left, he came back with a bottle of whiskey and a six pack of beer.
    “Wine is okay, but I’d rather have this,” he informed her, taking a seat on the porch steps.
    She looked down at him agreeing. She could drink with the best of them, but didn’t want him to know it. Then an idea popped in her head. “I never had a drink stronger than wine,” she lied. “How does it taste?” she asked sitting down next to him.
    “You’ve got to be careful,” said Marc. “Whiskey holds a punch,” he warned.
    “Well, then since I have to drive back later. I’ll stop with this glass of wine,” she said charily.
    “I understand,” said Marc. “You’re a girl!” he kidded with a wink.
    Her mouth flew open and he just nodded.
    “Give me some of that,” she demanded playfully. “I’ll show you who’s a girl!”
    She tossed the wine to the ground and held her glass in front of him. He smiled and filled her glass. She took it down quickly then jumped to her feet trying to catch her breath. He ran to her and coached her into breathing slowly. She did.
    “That stuff burns!” she said between breaths.
    “I told you!” he reminded, while laughing.
    She looked at him with tears in her eyes. “You ought to be ashamed of yourself,” she said. “You knew it would do that!” She hit his arm gently.
    “Yeah, that’s true,” he admitted. Still laughing, he grabbed a beer and gave it to her. “Here, drink this,” he said, popping the tab.
    She sipped it smiling all the while. He bit the hook, she said to herself. Now to reel him in. She took another sip of beer and walked over to the steps to sit down. He followed, as she knew he would. He opened another can of beer for himself. “Thanks,” said Marc. He then took a huge drink of his beer.
    Deidra looked at him strangely. “For what?” she asked.
    He stared into her clear blue eyes then leaned in and hooked her chin with one finger. She watched his eyes come closer and soon felt his wet lips upon hers. She closed her eyes as his tongue slipped into her waiting mouth. Her can of beer fell to the ground. She wrapped her arms around his neck. He dropped his can as well and pulled her onto his lap kissing her long and hard, not wanting this night to get away. He stood to his feet with her in his arms, and looked deep into her eyes asking something of them. She replied by nodding her head, knowing what he wanted of her. He carried her into the house, and up to his room.
    “ How could a cable just snap like that?” Cain growled. They would have to stay in a hotel in town until mid-morning at least, until the car was fixed. They didn’t want to bother Marc or Alondra to come and get them, bring them home, then come all the way back out in the morning. But Blair didn’t seem to mind as she moved around in the hotel room they had taken for the night. It felt good to be away from the house. They left a message for Marc letting them know what was going on, since he didn’t answer the phone.
    “Cain, baby, look,” said Blair. “Let’s just treat this like a mini-holiday away from everything. I’m ready to relax. Now I’m going to take a shower, and you can stay out here sulking… or you can come and wash my back,” she said lustfully. She eased slowly into the bathroom, looking back at him seductively. He sat dumbfounded for a second, then nearly tripped over his feet trying to run and take his pants off at the same time.
    Alondra and Geri ate a fulfilling dinner after their talk, and had turned in for

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