False Start: A Football Romance

False Start: A Football Romance by Saylor Bliss

Book: False Start: A Football Romance by Saylor Bliss Read Free Book Online
Authors: Saylor Bliss
    “Are you sure?” Am I sure? What the hell kind of world do we live in? Do people still act this way? Yeah, I know I’m about as white a bleached bedspread and he is all chocolate and caramel rolled into one, but the kid is mine. Period. Someone had better show me to his room right this fucking second, or I’m liable to lose my cool. Hell, at this rate, I could easily blame it on a concussion and get away with it.
    I'm about to lose my cool when Amelia steps out of the room down the hall. “Never mind, ma'am. I see his mother now,” I growl, wanting to call her everything but a child of God. She’s lucky my mother raised me to have better manners than that.
    Are you sure? I whisper to myself in a nasally high-pitched voice.
    Stupid bitch.
    Rushing to Amelia, I pull her in for a tight hug, wrapping my arms around her and never wanting to let go. Her nails dig into my back as she sobs against my chest.
    “How is he?” I ask her, pulling back. The bitch nurse mumbles something under her breath, but I ignore it, not wanting to waste another second on the trash up front. None of that matters right now. The only thing that matters is Carson.
    “We don't know yet. They've got him settled into a room, waiting for Dr. Hill to get here. I’m so glad you’re okay. When I saw you hit the ground, my heart stopped. I rushed out the door to get to you.”
    “How did you end up here?” I ask, trying to piece everything together.
    “The hospital called. I’m the only person listed as his next of kin. Griffin lost his phone somewhere and couldn’t call me. The cabbie made a quick detour and brought me here instead of the stadium, but I’ve been worried sick about you. How do you feel?”
    “I’m fine. I saw him fall. I turned for the pass and watched as Carson fell backward. Is he okay?”
    “He looks pitiful, but I don't let him know that. He's already scared, so let's not make it seem any worse than it already is. I can’t believe we are dealing with this again. When will he catch a break?”
    “I know, Amie, I understand.” I clench my fists at my side, saying a silent prayer before walking in. She’s right. He doesn't look good. His normal caramel colored skin is ashen and he is sweating, even though the room is cool.
    “Hey, buddy,” I say, trying to keep my voice level. “How'd you like watching the game?” He smiles a weak smile and nods with all the enthusiasm he can muster. I look to Amelia. I'm about three seconds from losing my composure when Dr. Hill comes in.

    Chapter Nineteen
    “Miss Hart, I’ve got the blood test back, and I hate to have to tell you this, but the cancer has returned.” All air in the room has been sucked out when he delivers those last four words. I start shaking my head, refusing to believe what he is saying, and yet… I know.
    I can see the difference in Carson already.
    Just like last time.
    He was running around, being a little boy, getting into everything, and in the next moment, everything changed. Within a week, he had lost ten pounds and could barely keep any food down.
    “Chemo?” I ask, but Dr. Hill shakes his head.
    “We won’t be able to start the chemo this time. Not yet, anyway.”
    “Why? I don’t understand. He needs the chemo to kill the cancer.”
    “I’m sorry. I wish there were a way, but unfortunately, his body isn’t strong enough to handle chemo or radiation at this time. I’m not sure how much you know about the process of chemotherapy and the way it actually works, but essentially, chemotherapy and radiation therapy generally affect cells that divide rapidly. They are both used to treat cancer because cancer cells divide more often than most healthy cells.”
    I nod my head. I already know this. Hell, anyone stuck in a hospital for twenty-four hours a day can tell you how boring it gets. When I get bored, I read. It doesn’t matter what I’m reading, just as long it can occupy my mind for a little while. I

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