Falling Stars (Starstruck Series Book 2)

Falling Stars (Starstruck Series Book 2) by Krys Janae

Book: Falling Stars (Starstruck Series Book 2) by Krys Janae Read Free Book Online
Authors: Krys Janae
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 “Hello?”  Her voice was weak. Looking at the time, she realized she probably should have looked to see who was calling.
    Just like that, she was wide awake.  It was Logan.
    “Hey,” She reached over, turned on the light, and sat up.  Her eyes were still shut, but she was awake.  Her back pressed against the headboard.
    It was quiet for a few moments, but she heard him breathing.  
    “What’s wrong, sweetheart?”  She yawned and rubbed her eyes.
    Logan let out a deep sigh on the other end.  “I miss you.”
    Man, did he know how to pull at her heartstrings.  Alisa hadn’t felt his affection in over 24 hours, and it was 24 hours too many.  She smiled.  “I miss you too.  Is everything okay?”
    “Yeah, I’m fine.”
    “Baby, it’s four in the morning my time.”
    “Oh, shit,” he muttered, “I’m sorry.”
    “It’s all right.  Are you home?”  
    She heard shuffling on the other end, “Yeah.  I couldn’t sleep.  I’m sorry I woke you up.”
    “No, no, it’s fine.  I’m just glad to hear from you.”  She kept smiling.
    “I mean, I do have Luke and Leia here to keep me company…but they’re most definitely not you.”
    The mere mention of the corgi pups they were raising made her smile even bigger.  She pictured the mountain of a man that was her husband cuddling in bed with their “kids”.
    “Aww, I miss them too.”
    The Rider’s discussed a lot of things, yet nothing at the same time.  Idle chit-chat was never their strong suit, but it was nice to have conversation considering the night they had at the premiere.  Logan was curious about Evan and how things were going.  Alisa reassured her husband that they were in separate rooms.  He said he trusted her.  She was sure his voice feigned trust, but it was the best they could do being miles apart.  Then Alisa remembered meeting Joey out on the street and hearing about him being in the city to meet with Jenn Vega too.
    “You didn’t tell me that Joey was called to be a part of the meeting with Jenn.”
    “I didn’t?”  He sounded shocked.
    “Don’t play that game with me, Logan.”  She teased.
    Logan chuckled, “I’m sorry.  I wanted it to be a surprise.  He made me keep it quiet.  Besides, Ron suggested it, and Joey obliged.  Even Joey wanted me to keep it a secret.”
    “What are we, in the fifth grade?”
    The two laughed.
    “He’s excited to be in the movie. Ron and I figured he would be good for the part and when he read for it, they loved him.”
    Alisa took a second to think about the character Joey Rider would be playing and nodded in agreement.  He did fit the role. “Naturally.”
    “Listen, I’m sorry I went off like that.  I didn’t want you to leave like that, baby.”  Logan sounded sincere and extremely torn up over the matter.
    As if he could see her, Alisa shrugged.  “As long as we can get past this, that’s what matters to me.  I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about New York.  It all just happened so fast.  One second I’m working out, stressing about the premiere, the next I get a call from Ray saying I’m going to leave and ... well, you know how the rest went. It was like I didn’t have a chance to breathe, and when I figured I had all of my bases covered, I just…I let one get past me. The wrong one.”
    “I know.  That’s showbiz.”
    She hated blaming the hectic pace of “the biz” for causing this fight. “I guess.”
    Logan sighed, “Well, I’m just glad you’re safe.  Though I must admit I am jealous.”
    “Jealous?”  She arched a brow.  Her heart started to pound, assuming that his jealousy was about Evan.  Why was she so panicked?  They only had dinner; one they spent discussing work and reading lines until they figured it would be a good time to get some rest.  She did nothing wrong.
    “It’s your first big outing in the Big Apple …”
    Alisa exhaled and snickered, “Do people still call it the Big Apple?”
    “ I do.”

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