Falling Stars (Starstruck Series Book 2)

Falling Stars (Starstruck Series Book 2) by Krys Janae Page A

Book: Falling Stars (Starstruck Series Book 2) by Krys Janae Read Free Book Online
Authors: Krys Janae
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 He laughed, “You’re on your first trip to New York, and it’s without me.”
    “Hey! Not fair.  You get to go across the pond and see all that fantastic stuff without me.  If you weren’t so tied up with work for the movie and the show, you could have come with.”
    “I know, I know.”  Logan groaned. I came home just in time to pick up all the responsibilities. I can tell you in all honesty, I am truly sorry for leaving you with all of this while I was filming.” It was her turn to laugh, “That’s what happens when you marry a movie star.”
    “And that’s what happens when I marry a brilliant writer.”
    Alisa knew he couldn’t see her, but she blushed.
    “Please let me know how it all goes. Maybe next time we can take a trip out to see my folks.” He said, after letting out a yawn.
    Alisa hadn’t seen Logan’s parents since the wedding.  His family was some of the sweetest people she had ever met.  It was something she was incredibly thankful for, considering her ex-husband’s family.  Her ex’s siblings weren’t all bad, but there was only one sister-in-law she missed.  Logan’s brother and sisters were lovely, and his parents were absolutely wonderful.  Most of them lived one state over, while a couple of them moved out to Los Angeles.
    “Sounds like a plan.”
    “Are you doing anything tomorrow? Other than the meeting with my brother and Jenn?”  He asked curiously.
    “After the meeting, I’ll probably do another quick read with Evan.  Oh! Apparently I was invited to a party at Quin’s.”
    “Quin?  Oh, that’s right. He ended up going back to the city.”
    “Yeah, Evan said we were invited, and I’m thinking it would be rude to turn down an invitation like that.”
    “Yeah yeah, fan girl.  Don’t get too much drool on him, okay?”  Logan warned her.  He knew how much she enjoyed The Hunters and knew that she had a bit of a crush on Quinton.  
    “I solemnly swear    ”
    “You’re up to no good?”
    The pair erupted in laughter, and it lasted a good while.  The Harry Potter reference was perfect and called for.  The laughing was so great that her face grew sore from smiling.
    “I miss you.”  She said.
    “I miss you.”
    “Get some rest, baby.  I’ll text you tomorrow.”
    Slipping down into the covers again, she rested her head on her pillow and held the phone to her ear. “I’d like that.”
    “I love you.”
    “I love you too.”
    Bzz. Bzz.
    Was she dreaming?  She had already answered her phone, right?
    Bzz. Bzz.
    It couldn’t be 8 already, could it?
    Bzz. Bzz.
    One eye opened, leaving her other eye shut tight.  A very confused Alisa looked up at the digital clock sitting on her nightstand.  When her vision finally cleared, she noticed that the numbers read 8:30.
    “8:30?!”  She exclaimed, immediately pushing aside the heavy comforter from her body.  When she looked at her phone, it was ringing.  It would be difficult to withhold her panic now, but she tried when she answered, “Evan?!”
    “Rise and shine, darlin’.  Time to get ready.”
    “I’m late, aren’t I?” Scrambling out of bed, she rushed to her sink and splashed some water on her face.  “I’m so dead, aren’t I?”
    She heard Evan laugh.
    “The meeting is in thirty minutes. I can’t relax. I’m going to be late for this super important meeting with Jenn, and that’s all bad    ”
    “Alisa!” He interrupted her, “Jenn’s agent called.  Jared Link? I think that was his name.  Yeah, she’s running a little behind.  Also Joey Rider…er, your brother-in-law , confirmed the meeting at 10.”
    Alisa was sure to have had a heart attack if he hadn’t cut to the chase.  “Ohmygod.”
    “Calm down. You have plenty of time to get dolled up.  Man, I am good at saving you, aren’t I?”
    “A real Prince Charming.” Alisa replied flatly.  “But thank you.”
    “See you soon.”
    Taking a few minutes to compose herself, Alisa got up

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