Falling For A Cowboy

Falling For A Cowboy by Anne Carrole

Book: Falling For A Cowboy by Anne Carrole Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anne Carrole
holding a delicate crystal vessel . She hid her head in his bare shoulder, wrapped her slim arms around him , and squeezed herself against him . He was hard, heavy , and ready to take her .
    “ That was incredible. ” Her breath tickled his skin.
    He wanted to ask if it was her first orga s m , but he knew it was his ego talking. “ We ’ re just getting started, honey. ”
    She pulled back to stare at him . H er hand slip ped between them . H er delicate fingers caressed hi s length . “ I know . ”
    He went even harder.

Chapter Eight
    Dusty slid her hand up and down his velvet y smooth shaft while her heart pound ed hard against her chest . He ’ d just consumed her, sent her up in flames , and they were just getting started ? This wasn ’ t anything like what she ’ d experienced before.
    She ’ d wondered why Tara Lynn loved sex so much. Now she knew .
    L ook ing into Clay ’ s eyes as he lay beside her caused h er heart to flip. She saw longing and desire in those blue depths , a long with a clench ed jaw and rigid smile . S he knew he was fighting for control . She stroked her thumb over the moist tip of him . His eyelids fluttered shut as a low moan escaped his open lips .
    She longed to check out the hard , thick length she was stroking but she was too embarrassed . Bradl e y hadn ’ t been built anything like this. It made her wonder if she ’ d be able to accommodate Clay .
    She felt his hot breath as he nuzzled her neck. “ You ready for me, honey ? Because if you keep stroking me like that it ’ s going to be all over. ” He kissed her throat.
    “ I ’ ll try. ”
    “ You ’ ll try? ” he muttered against her skin.
    She pulled back to look at him . His eyelids were h alf-closed , his pupils dark , but the smile on his face had her insides dancing .
    “ You ’ re…you ’ re big Clay . I ’ m not. ”
    The corners of his eyes crinkled as h is grin broadened . “ Honey, I ’ ll fit . Long as you ’ re wet enough. ” He pushed her onto the mattress . “ Got to put the cowboy hat on . ”
    He reached for a foil wrapper he must have placed on her bedside table . She wished she felt confident enough to help him but he seemed more than capable, slipping it on over his engorged member with ease . She ’ d bet they were magnums.
    Once the condom was in place , he stretched out over her and h is hand pushed between her thighs . With her mu scles turned to jelly, she ’ d no notion of resisting him . H is finger s prob e d her before she felt them enter. He stroked her, his fingers moving in and out, sending wonderful little tremors through her , and causing moisture between her thighs . H e r head fell back and her eyes closed as she gave way to the erotically hypnotic sensations .
    “ That ’ s it . E njoy it, honey, ” he crooned against her ear.
    With the next breath she felt the weight of his body on her . Instinctively, s he opened her legs to accommodate him and he answered the invitation , nestling at her opening.
    “ Open your eyes, Dusty. I want you to look at me when I come in to you. ” His voice was husky and gritty , like sandpaper scratching rock .
    She did as he asked . His flushed and handsome face loomed before her . He held his features tight as he pushed against her with a gentle thrust . He ’ d moved just inside of her.
    “ More . ” S he whispered her need.
    She watched as his hands grasped her hips and he leaned back. His form was a shadow in the gray light , an outline of b road shoulders, muscled arms , and a torso that narrowed to the spot where he joined with her. He thrust his shaft into her again , filling more of her and then he slowly pulled back out , creating wonderful friction . H e bent over and nipped her nec k before his next thrust se n t him deeper . The electrifying tremor that shot through her seemed to flip on all her nerve endings, amplifying the jolt. Again h e pulled out and thrust fur ther in . Out, in, out, in . T he strokes were

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