Fallen Series 04 - Rapture

Fallen Series 04 - Rapture by Lauren Kate Page A

Book: Fallen Series 04 - Rapture by Lauren Kate Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lauren Kate
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down in high mountain desert just before dawn. Light banded the sky near the eastern horizon, haunting pinks and golds dusted with ocher clouds, healing the purple bruise of night.
    Daniel set Luce down on a flat rock plateau, too dry and unforgiving to support even the toughest desert scrub. The barren mountainscape stretched out infinitely around them, dropping steeply into darkened valleys here, rising into peaks of colossal tawny boulders resting at impossible angles there. It was cold and windy, and the air was so dry it hurt to swallow. There was scarcely room for Luce and Daniel and the five Outcasts who’d traveled with them to stand on the rock plateau.
    Fine sand whipped through Luce’s hair as Daniel pulled his wings back in to his sides. “Here we are.” He sounded almost reverent.
    “Where?” Luce pulled the neck of her white sweater higher to cover her ears from the wind.
    “Mount Sinai.”
    She sucked in a dry, sandy breath, pivoting to get a panoramic view as fine golden light lengthened over the sandstone mountains in the east. “This is where God gave Moses the Ten Commandments?”
    “No.” Daniel pointed over her shoulder, where a line of doll-sized backpackers were ascending more forgiving terrain a few hundred feet to the south. Their voices carried across the cold, thin desert air. Their soft peals of laughter echoed eerily from the silent mountain summits. A blue plastic water bottle tilted into the sky over someone’s head. “ That is where Moses received the Ten Commandments.” He spread his arms and looked at the small circle of rock where they were standing. “This is where some of the angels stood and watched it happen.
    Gabbe, Arriane, Roland, Cam”—he pointed to one area on the rock, then another, where each of the angels had stood—“a few more.”
    “What about you?”
    He faced her, taking three small steps forward so that their torsos were touching, the tips of their feet overlapped. “Right”—he kissed her—“here.”
    “What was it like?”
    Daniel looked away. “It was the first official covenant with man. Before then, covenants had taken place only between God and the angels. Some of the angels felt betrayed, that it disrupted the natural order of things.
    Others thought we’d brought it on ourselves, that it was a natural progression.”
    The violet in his eyes blazed a little brighter for a moment. “The others must be on their way.” He turned to face the Outcasts, whose dark silhouettes were outlined by the growing light in the east. “Will you stand guard until they arrive?”
    Phil bowed. The other four Outcasts stood behind him, the frayed edges of their soiled wings undulating in the wind.
    Daniel drew his left wing across himself and, shielding his body from view, reached inside it with his right hand like a magician reaching into his cape.
    “Daniel?” she asked, stepping closer to him. “What’s wrong?”
    Teeth bared, Daniel shook his head at her. Then he flinched and cried out in pain, which Luce had never witnessed before. Her body tensed.
    When he relaxed and extended his wing again, he held something white and shimmering in his hand.
    “I should have done this sooner,” he said.
    It looked like a strip of fabric, as smooth as silk but stiffer. It was a foot long and several inches wide, and it quivered in the cold breeze. Luce stared at it. Was that a strip of wing that Daniel had torn from himself? She cried out in horror and reached for it without thinking.
    It was a feather!
    To look at Daniel’s wings, to be wrapped up in them, was to forget they were made up of individual feathers.
    Luce had always assumed that their composition was mysterious and otherworldly, the stuff of God’s dreams.
    But then, this was unlike any feather Luce had seen before: broad, densely plumed, alive with the same power that coursed through Daniel.
    Between her fingers, it was the softest yet strongest thing Luce had ever touched, and

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