Fallen (Beautiful Book 1)

Fallen (Beautiful Book 1) by Iris Deorre

Book: Fallen (Beautiful Book 1) by Iris Deorre Read Free Book Online
Authors: Iris Deorre
Chapter One
    The alarm went off at six that morning. Faith opened her eyes, and without hesitation, she slipped out of bed. It was a good morning, most mornings were. Her life was everything she imagined, and there was no slowing her down. Faith stretched and then quickly headed for the on-suite bathroom.
    Sleepily she reached for the toothbrush on the left, but it wasn’t there. She could’ve sworn it had been there the night before. She looked to her right, and there it was.
    ‘Late nights are messing you up.’ She giggled. ‘But there is no defeating you, young lady.’ She spoke to herself in the mirror as she brushed her teeth.
    A few minutes later she stepped into the shower, and soon after that she headed back to the bedroom.
    ‘What to wear?’ She stepped into the walk in closet and headed for the chest of draws.
    Faith loved organisation, and wouldn’t let the cleaners into her bedroom. The bedroom and walk in closet was her private space, and she wanted to keep it that way. She opened the top draw, and her heart stopped a moment.
    ‘What the hell?’
    The first and second draw usually had the bras, and the next two draws down, had her knickers. But Faith noticed that her panties were in the top draw. She shut and closed it again as if that would magically make them disappear, and her bras would appear, but that didn’t happen. ‘I will have to fire those cleaners!’ She pulled the panties from the draw and the bras from the bottom draws in a panic. She sat down a moment, to take a moment. None of it made sense. Why would the cleaners do this? When she felt calm, she stood up and left the bras and panties scattered, she’d have to deal with it when she got home.
    ‘Okay, black suit, or blue suit?’ She gazed at the rail of clothing. ‘White shirt…Black says, Power, and blue…’ She thought a moment, and decided to go with the black. ‘I’ll break it up with a pair of red Louboutins.’ She smiled as she pulled the suit from the rail.
    Soon enough, she was dressed. Faith walked into the next room that had her shoes.
    ‘God dam it!’ She hissed once she noticed the shoes had been mixed up. Faith loved the reds on the top shelf, the blacks next, then blues next, and then every other colour after that. But blacks and reds had been mixed. ‘What the hell is going on?!’ she fumed. She would definitely fire the cleaners. She was certain of it.
    She spotted the Louboutin’s. She pulled them off the shelf and headed back for the bedroom where she would do her make up. Faith was beautiful and she knew it. She’d spent the majority of her life being told so, and now she expected it. She was born to a white mother and black father. She’d taken her mothers green eyes and her father’s curly locks that she straightened everyday. She had the perfect body, the perfect life, but she’d also worked for it.
    ‘Right! Ready to kick another day in the butt!’ She picked up her briefcase and handbag, and headed downstairs. She popped into the kitchen and pulled out the fruit salad from the fridge. She’d eat it during the meeting. Just as she was about to leave, she heard the keys to the front door.
    ‘Ah, just the people I want to see,’ she said as the cleaners walked in. ‘I specifically asked that you not to go into my room.’
    ‘We haven’t, Miss Hutton,’ said one of the ladies.
    ‘Then why on earth have my things been moved around?’
    ‘I’m not sure, but none of us have gone into your room. We respect your privacy, and wouldn’t do anything to jeopardise that.’
    ‘I see.’ She felt a cold shiver down her spine. ‘I must be losing it then.’ She couldn’t find any other explanation. ‘Okay, erm…if that’s the case, then I apologise.’
    Faith watched them a moment, not sure whether to believe them or not, but there wasn’t any time to dwell on it. She stepped out into the early morning and headed for the office.
    ‘Morning, Miss Hutton,’ said Charlie, the receptionist.

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