Fallen Angel
whore or not, he doesn’t tend to sleep with girls he can’t choose to avoid for all eternity come the next morning, which takes you off his radar all together. So, if he’s the real reason you want this job –“
    “He’s not! I’m serious about music, Eda.” I’m not even going to take the time to share with her how particularly offensive I found that last bit of her closing argument or how inaccurate it happens to be. “I want this like I’ve never wanted anything. Please, just help me this one last time and I’ll never ask you for anything ever again. I promise you, Eda, you get me in there, you give me a chance and I’ll prove to you that I know more about music than you could possibly imagine.”
    She’s still skeptical, but I’m pretty sure she’s about to take pity on me, whether she believes I have any talent or skill, or not. “Fine. I’ll talk to Brett. Just so you know though, interning for him will likely have very little to do with actual music. It’ll be mostly running errands. Making his shitty herbal tea. Tracking down places for lunch that serve all vegan meals, that kind of crap. I need you to know that before I call him and give him your name.”
    I’m nodding like a fucking bobble head at this point. “I got it. Holy, Eda. You are amazing. Thank you.” I throw both arms around her neck and squeeze her tight. Neither of us is what you might call a touchy-feely person and even when it comes to hugging her own sister, I know Ava’s hating every second of it. But I don’t care.
    “Yeah, okay. Now back it up. Enough with this boob on boob action. Your young and perky knockers are about to turn mine into an inverted rack.” She’s grinning, so I know she wasn’t suffering nearly as much during our little embrace as she’s letting on.
    “I love you, Eda.”
    “Yeah, yeah.” She kisses Royce on the cheek and heads toward the door. Hopefully to go and get in touch with Brett. Meanwhile, I stay behind to finish what’s left of my coffee. I’m still so excited by the new turn in events it takes me a good two or three minutes before I realize Royce and Hudson are both staring at me.
    “So...you have a thing for Angel. Any other completely self-destructive hobbies you have you’d like to share with us? Like maybe a meth habit? Or walking around in a deer costume during hunting season?” Royce thinks he’s so fucking funny.
    “I was eleven. Obviously, I know better than to fall for a guy who will only ever appreciate the parts of me he can stick his dick in,” I scoff haughtily, hoping I’m not nearly as transparent as I feel.
    “Damn. That was crude. I feel a little like I need to shower now.” Hudson shakes dramatically. I feel a little dirty myself. And not because of how crass I’m being. But, you know, the thing I did that should make me feel a little dirty every second of every day. But I don’t care how much of a whore Angel is. I’ve been in love with him for damn near ten years now. I don’t imagine that’s going to change anytime soon. Nor do I expect to change the fact that in those ten years, he’s never seen me as anything more than Ava’s annoying little sister who begged him to play the drums every chance she got. The fact that he still calls me Bam Bam after all these years is a clear indication of precisely that. Plus, there’s the whole meltdown he had after he slept with me which is likely only reinforcing his whole ‘I’m going to grow up to be a skeeve like Moe’ agenda. Never mind the fact I’m twenty-one, way past legal age. Doesn’t matter. None of it matters. I can’t do a damn thing about Angel or his issues. So, I’m going to do my part and focus on my own for a change.
    “W hat are you doing here?” I wasn’t expecting to find Royce standing in my kitchen this morning. Or this...noon. Whatever.
    “Just checking to make sure you’re still alive,” he says dryly, picking through a bag of trail mix I know he found in my pantry.

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