Fallen Angel
that motherfucker all you want. But you gotta stop fucking hating yourself. Especially for shit that doesn’t even exist. So you sleep around a lot. You’re a big fat whore. We’ve all been there. Well, except Derek. But you know Blaise for damn sure was keeping up with you for a long while there. And, chances are good, Moe’s not his father.”
    I actually laugh. Just for a second.
    “What do I do? How do I get him out of my fucking head if I can’t get him out of my fucking life?”
    “Honestly?” Royce half rolls his eyes and I get the feeling I’m not going to like what he’s got to say. “You pay him off. Just give him the fucking money he wants and he’ll crawl back under the rock he came creeping out from and hopefully, this time get crushed by it.”
    I can feel my hands ball into fists. “You’re serious. You want me to give him money.”
    Royce nods. “Yeah. Not for his sake. For yours. He’s not worth all this shit. And besides. You make him leave you alone, he also stays away from Addy. It’s win-win.”
    “I’ll call my lawyer. Set something up.” I turn away from Royce, rubbing my hands over my face. Now that I’m not fucking pissed anymore, something new and unnerving is taking over and I don’t want him to see it.
    “Good. Then maybe you can come back to the land of the living. People are starting to miss you.” He pats my back as he walks by. Apparently, he’s done trying to fix me. For now.
    He’s already at the front door when my mouth opens and the words just fucking fall out.
    “How did you know? Back then...that things were different with Hudson?”
    He stares at me for a second. Then smiles. “I just did. Everything came so easily. Being with him was the most natural thing in the world. It changed things. Changed me.”
    I nod. Because I think I get it now. In a way I never thought I ever would. “Aren’t you going to ask me why I want to know?”
    He grins, like he fucking knows. “Nope.”
    And then he leaves, and for the first time in a long while I notice how the sun shines through the cracks in the blinds. Light. It’s time for some fucking light again.

Chapter 9
    “Y ou look awfully awake for this time of day.” Blaise smirks at me from across the kitchen.
    “Look who’s talking.” None of us are morning people. Of course, I can’t blame my inability to get up before noon on my rock star lifestyle. Yet. In the meantime, there was no way I was going to oversleep today. Not when I’ve been bouncing off the walls ever since Ava told me last night that Brett agreed to give me the gig. It’s my first day and I’m determined to be the best intern he’s ever had. Starting with being there on time. Provided Ava ever gets out of the shower. Since she’s my ride and all.
    “What’s up with your sudden interest in music anyway?” Blaise is slurping away at some nasty looking protein shake. It’s lumpy and I can smell something fishy. Literally.
    “I don’t know why everyone thinks it’s so sudden. Doesn’t anyone remember me sitting on my dad’s old workbench during every single band practice back in the day?” I pour myself a cup of coffee. My second already, but since I hardly slept last night, and the adrenaline of starting my dream job is bound to wear off eventually, I have a feeling I can use every last drop of caffeine I can get my hands on today.
    “Yeah, I remember you being there. Pretty sure that had less to do with the music and more to do with our drummer though.” He’s got a shit eating grin that makes me want to shove his face into that nasty-ass smoothie of his.
    “Screw you, B.”
    “I believe that’s my job.” Ava snickers at her own stupid joke as she makes a beeline for the coffee maker. Considering I only heard the shower go off a few minutes ago, I’m a little stunned at how put together she looks. I swear the woman has a stash of gay elves tucked away in her closet. I picture this whole Cinderella moment with the

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