Falcondell: The Devil's Son

Falcondell: The Devil's Son by S J Crabb Page B

Book: Falcondell: The Devil's Son by S J Crabb Read Free Book Online
Authors: S J Crabb
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register my surprise. I catch Ash’s eye and he looks at me angrily. Gabe looks around as if sensing something and frowns. “What are they doing here? I’ve never known them to come here before.” Piper looks at me a worried expression on her face. Then some other kids from Freyview come in and I see some girls watching Ash and Jacob with interest. Obviously not sensing the drama they saunter over to them flicking their hair over their shoulders and hitching up their skirts. I see one of the girls go up to Ash and look at him suggestively. I hear her say, “Well well, you certainly don’t come here often or I would know about it. How about buying a couple of girls a coffee hot stuff, you never know what your reward will be.” I watch in horror as they then slide into the seats next to Ash and Jacob effectively trapping them. Seizing my chance I say to the others, “Look I really need to use the restroom. Do you mind?” They don’t seem to think anything of my request and I race off as fast as I can. Reaching the sanctuary of the ladies I sink back against the wall. This is not good. Wondering how on earth I am going to get out of here without Gabe or anyone else suspecting anything my mind goes into overdrive. Splashing some water on to my face to cool it down I leave the rest room intending to tell the others that I feel sick and need to leave. Before I even close the door a hand reaches out, grabbing me and pulling around the corner out of sight. I see Ash standing there looking at me angrily. My knees feel weak because despite the threat I love him so much and want nothing more than to kiss him and never stop. Looking at me his eyes turn as black as can be and he hisses, “What is going on Grace. Why are you here with him?” Looking up at him fearfully I say, “I couldn’t get out of it. I tried to say no but Gabe made me come with them. There’s nothing in it though, I promise you.” Relaxing slightly he takes me in his arms. Burying his face in my hair he breathes in deeply. “I can’t stand this, its torture for me. I have never been in this situation before. I want the world to know you are mine and the thought of anyone else touching you makes me want to kill them.” Feeling extremely worried I know that it’s not just a figure of speech with him. Pulling back he kisses me gently. “Meet me later Grace, usual place. I’ve been going mad without you.” Lowering my eyes I hesitate and he lifts my face to his and I can see the worry mixed with uncertainty in his expression. “What is it Grace, tell me?” I sigh softly. “I don’t know Ash. I want to be with you more than I have ever wanted anything in my life, but I am scared.” Looking surprised he says, “Of me?” I nod my head sadly. “I’ve heard things this week that makes me question whether or not I can really help you. You live in a different world to me and I don’t think I’m strong enough.” I see the pain in his eyes and it breaks my heart. “I know Grace. Don’t think that I know what I am asking of you. The selfish part of me won’t give you up when I know that I should. You deserve better than me, don’t you think I don’t know that? Please hear me out though. Meet me later and I’ll try to explain.” Holding him close I agree to meet him. I can’t help myself either. I know that I should keep away but I can’t.
    Making my way back to the others I feign illness. Gabe jumps up in concern and I feel bad. Following them out I can see that Ash and Jacob have already left and the girls are looking extremely put out.
    By the time we drop the others off I am feeling slightly better and feel bad about ruining the coffee date. Gabe drops me off and then heads back off with Piper to spend the evening at her house. I spend some time helping my Aunt with tea and then make my excuses saying that I’m going for a bike ride to clear my head.
    The Town seems quiet as I cycle through it. Despite my reservations I feel excited

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