Falcondell: The Devil's Son

Falcondell: The Devil's Son by S J Crabb Page A

Book: Falcondell: The Devil's Son by S J Crabb Read Free Book Online
Authors: S J Crabb
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bulldozed in before she had a chance to reply.” Laughing Gabe slaps him on the back. “We’ll all go, how about that. You up for that Piper honey?” Slipping her hand in his she grins. “Of course I am. What about you Grace?” Before I can answer Gabe says loudly, “Of course she is; we’ll have fun. Right then girls we’ll meet you by the entrance after school.” Easton smiles sweetly at me and then goes off with Gabe leaving me shell shocked. Piper grins at me. “He’s gorgeous. He’s on the team with Gabe and is a real catch. Look at us, two invisibles with two of the hottest guys in school. I knew that this was going to be a good year.” Feeling extremely worried I say quickly. “They never gave me a chance. I can’t go on a date with him, please Piper you’ve got to help me.” She shoves me playfully. “Oh no, you’re not getting out of it that easily. You’ve got to conquer your fear of boys some time Grace and it may as well be with him.” The bell rings and she pulls me off to class.
    I spend the rest of the day trying to think of how I can get out of the coffee date. Maybe if I pretend to be ill I will be sent home. I certainly feel ill at the thought of what might happen.
    By the end of the day my nerves are frayed. Piper grabs me by the lockers and marches me to the entrance and my heart sinks when I see Easton and Gabe waiting. Looking around quickly I am grateful that there doesn’t appear to be any of Ash and his gang around at least. As we draw near I try to get out of it saying, “I’m sorry Gabe but I don’t feel well. Maybe we can do this another time.” Gabe grins knowingly. Leaning towards me he whispers, “You’re not getting out of this Grace. Easton is a good guy and you deserve some fun. You work all the time and go to school. It’s about time you found out what school life is really all about. Don’t worry though; I won’t let anything happen to you, that’s why I’m here.”
    Resigned to it I think that if we can just get this over with then no harm may be done. My knees trembling I follow Gabe to his car and climb into the back beside Piper. Sinking down into my seat I just pray that nobody saw us.

Chapter 19
    We drive to a coffee shop on the other side of town. I am thankful as it would have been more awkward to have gone to Violet’s. At least this way with any luck no one will see us.
    We all take a seat near the back as it is quite busy. Looking around me I can see that there are quite a few kids from Freyview High and realise that this must be where they hang out. Leaning over to Gabe I say quietly. “Is this such a good idea? I mean after the trouble at the game we may become targets.” Gabe looks unconcerned. “No we’ll be fine. We come here a lot and most of the kids are cool. The rougher ones don’t come here and go to another place a way from here.” He then turns to Piper and they start kissing, which is so embarrassing. Easton grins at me and says softly, “Sorry Grace. You’ve been put on the spot a bit here haven’t you?” I smile at him. “Oh it’s fine. Anyway tell me about yourself Easton; Gabe says you are on the team with him.” He laughs good naturedly. “Yes for my sins. I enjoy it and I’m hoping that I can continue when I go to College next year.” Realising that he is in the year above me, it makes sense that our paths haven’t crossed before. “Anyway Grace, tell me about you. Gabe tells me that you are staying with him and his mom. Don’t you have a family of your own?” Feeling awkward I can feel my face flush. Grabbing hold of my hand Easton looks worried saying, “I’m sorry Grace, I didn’t mean that to come out the way it did. You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to.” I pull my hand quickly away. “Its ok, no worries.” Suddenly I see him tense up and follow his gaze. My heart sinks as I see Ash and Jacob glowering at us from across the room. I never saw them come in and my face must

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