Eye of the Storm (The Storm Series)

Eye of the Storm (The Storm Series) by M. Stratton

Book: Eye of the Storm (The Storm Series) by M. Stratton Read Free Book Online
Authors: M. Stratton
he was able to spend some time with people he felt were an extension of his family. They were getting older and Anthony made a note to make sure he came back more often to visit them.
    When they were saying good-bye for the trip back to London the next morning, he held onto Lou for a while. She was like another mom to him.
    “She’s pretty special, Anthony,” Lou whispered.
    “I know. I think Natalie would have liked her.”
    “Oh, she would have loved her. It does my heart good to see you with someone after all this time.”
    “We really aren’t ‘together.’”
    “Could have fooled me. Remember, I’m the one who found you two in the attic.” She pulled back and framed his face with her hands. “Don’t waste this chance on fears of the past or what may come. Grab it, grab
with both hands and never let go. Do you hear me? Never. Let. Go. Life is too short.”
    Pulling her back into a hug he rested his head on top of hers. “I know Lou, I know.”
    “Now, off you go. Have fun, go a little crazy.”
    Making sure Evie was settled into the car, he walked around to the driver’s side where Gene waited for him.
    After a brief man-hug, Gene said to him. “Find that bastard. Find him and make sure he pays for what he did to my little girl and all the other women and everything he’s taken from you.”
    “That’s the plan, sir.”
    “Make sure you keep that girl of yours safe.”
    Anthony turned around to see her talking quietly to Lou through the open window. The thought of Jeremy ever laying a hand on Evie made his heart contract in his chest. “That is my top priority.”
    “Good boy, now drive safe.”
    The ride back to London was uneventful and they sat in a combatable silence. Anthony enjoyed seeing the excitement Evie had for history. He took the long way around London so she had a chance to see more of it. Feeling bad this was such a short trip and she wasn’t able to visit any historic sights, he vowed he would bring her back sometime when they could spend time wandering around.
    They had just walked in when the butler came up to them. “Mr. Maldono, I wasn’t expecting you until later today. I hope the files you came back for were of use.”
    Anthony and Evie looked at each other before he said. “What files? What are you talking about?” His stomach dropped.
    “A couple of hours after you and Miss Taylor left you came back saying you forgot something and had to get it. You went up to your room and came back down a few minutes later with the files.”
    “Shit.” Anthony ran upstairs to his room with Evie on his heels. “Stay back.” He yelled over his shoulder at her.
    “Like hell.”
    Skidding to a stop in front of his room he took a deep breath. Unsure of what would be behind the door. He felt Evie’s hand on his back and knew he had to open the door.
    Opening the door slowly he let his breath out. There was nothing out of the ordinary. They both walked in and looked around. Anthony walked over to his desk. His file on Jeremy was gone, including all of his thoughts and notes on the case. Sitting down in the chair feeling defeated, he was pissed off at having to recreate everything.
    Hearing the waiver in her voice he jumped out of the chair and went to her. She pointed to an envelope on the bed with his name on it. He reached over and opened it.
    Dearest Anthony,
    I hope this letter finds you well. It has been so much fun tracking you. I’m surprised at how predicable you’ve become. Really you need to step up your game if you want to catch me.
    I noticed you found my gift. It was so much fun leaving her for you. I knew at some point you’d find that property and go there. Did it excite you? Seeing what I left for you? It excited me. I came all over her dead and rotting body. Something new for me, but I quite liked it.
    You’ve got a lovely home here. Did you know over ten years ago I fucked one of your parent’s maids? She thought she was fucking you, but

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