Eye of the Storm (The Storm Series)

Eye of the Storm (The Storm Series) by M. Stratton Page B

Book: Eye of the Storm (The Storm Series) by M. Stratton Read Free Book Online
Authors: M. Stratton
“How many do you know?”
    “Five fluently, a couple of others enough to get by.”
    “Wow. That is so cool.”
    He chuckled at her. “Yes, it’s the norm outside of the States to know more than one language.”
    “My upbringing was a little different. My parents loved to travel, but without children along. They made sure that they stayed near my grandparents so that Jackson and I had someone to watch us. That’s where Jackson gets his wanderlust from. He’s never been able to stay in one place for too long before moving on again.”
    “It must have been lonely for you. Did your parents love you at all?”
    “Yes, they did, I didn’t mean to give you that impression. They did, they just liked to travel more. When they were home it was all about us, but then they’d have to leave again. Lucky for me my grandparents were great. And the summers when Lexi was there were magical. We caused so much trouble.” She laughed and told Anthony some of their adventures. They had a good laugh over how Lexi and Evie had locked Jackson out of the house while he was naked when he was a teenager during the middle of the day.
    They sat in silence for a few minutes before Anthony turned to her and said, “I don’t understand. Why are you doing this? Why put yourself in danger? Why subject yourself to seeing things you can never erase from your memory?”
    Evie thought for a moment before replying. “Lexi has always been there for me. supported me. She followed me when I led us into trouble when we were younger. She always stuck up for me. No matter what. She was different after her first attack, anyone would be. But finally, finally she was getting back to her old self, and then she met Noah. You wouldn’t believe the change in her. I got my Lexi back; I could hear it in her voice when we’d talk on the phone.” She took another drink. “Then the second attack.” She shook her head. “I really don’t remember much of the drive to the hospital. I know I shouldn’t have been on the road. But to see her like that again, I couldn’t take it. She is so lucky to have Noah; they are really good for each other. She healed again. I really can’t believe how strong she is.”
    “Then she got married. Everything was perfect. Except for all the extra security.” She laughed without humor. “Noah went a bit overboard, but really I can’t blame him. Their whole wedding day, which should’ve been a wonderful memory, there was a black cloud hanging over them. When we were getting ready, I’d see that look in Lexi’s eyes and know she was thinking about Jeremy. Then I’d see Noah and he’d be scanning the crowd making sure he wasn’t there. I can’t see them living their whole life that way. That’s why I e-mailed you. I was hoping we’d be able to work together to do something, anything, to catch Jeremy. It’s my wedding gift to them. She’s like my sister.” She shrugged. “And now there’s you.”
    Anthony sat up straight in his chair. “What do you mean there’s me?”
    The alcohol was making her bolder than usual. “Well, since we first heard about what Jeremy did I couldn’t get you out of my head. What you went through, everything you’d lost. If there was a way I could help both of you, it was just something I had to do. That’s how it started anyway. Then we started working together…”
    They stared at each other, each trying to decide how much to say, or even what to say. Finally Evie spoke. “I can’t deny the pull I feel when I’m around you.”
    She saw his eyes burn with passion before he closed them. When he opened them again after a moment the passion was gone. She felt he wasn’t feeling the same things as her and it made her sad.
    After the internal battle, he finally said, “Tell me why you decided to open a bookstore.”
    She let out the breath she’d been holding, not sure if she was relieved or sad they weren’t going to be getting into a serious conversation about their feelings.

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