
ExtremeCircumstances by Chandra Ryan

Book: ExtremeCircumstances by Chandra Ryan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chandra Ryan
was ready to use it. He also wasn’t sure he
was ready for the other members of their team to know he and Julian were…
    He stopped at the thought. What were they? Not exactly
lovers but more than colleagues. He was attracted to Julian. More so than he’d
been to anyone in quite some time. But did he really like Julian or was it that
he enjoyed having someone to talk to?
    He started walking again as he gave it more thought. Why was
he attracted to Julian? He was loyal. He’d helped Gates overcome several
difficult moments with the other men. He was smart but that wasn’t exactly a
rarity among modified soldiers. As soon as he reached his tent he pulled back
the flap and crossed into the empty structure.
    There was something about Julian. Something unique. He lay
down on his sleeping bag and sighed. He was handsome, strong, could be cocky as
hell if the situation called for it. Gates smiled at the last thought. Julian
could be cocky but he could also be modest and humble. With his father’s
connections Julian was one of the elites. No one could stop him from doing
whatever he wanted. He probably could’ve used his status to pull a diplomatic
assignment on one of the vacation planets. Modified soldiers were often used to
guard politicians. But he hadn’t. He was here. On one of the shittiest
assignments Gates had ever seen.
    Granted, there was a reward in the wind. But the son of
Colonel Black didn’t need to earn his position in line. His daddy could easily
give him a spot at the front. Julian probably hadn’t even thought of that though.
And he hadn’t used his father’s name to get out of any of the chores or duties
during their mission. The other men wouldn’t have liked it but they would’ve
let him skate if they knew who he was. But as far as Gates could tell, he was
the only one Julian had confided in.
    Gates closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He forced his
mind to calm and his muscles to relax. He needed to release the events of the
day if he was going to get any sleep. Some thoughts were easier to let go of
than others though. And the puzzle that was Julian Black wasn’t going to leave
him without a fight.
    Julian obviously wanted praise from his father, otherwise he
wouldn’t have joined the military and gone through the modification process.
But Julian didn’t seem overly found of the colonel. His mind drifted as he
thought back to his own family. Dirt-poor farmers on a settler planet had
raised him. The military had been his only way out. And it’d been good for him.
It’d given him the discipline, not to mention education, to ensure he’d always
be able to take care of himself. But it’d been hard. The first year had nearly
broken him. He hadn’t really had many options though. It was either survive and
thrive or go back to poverty.
    So what made a man with power and money stick with it when
the going got rough? Dedication? Patriotism? Desperation? He wasn’t sure but he
wanted to find out.
    As he drifted off to sleep, Julian refused to leave his
thoughts. In his dreams he was in Julian’s tent. He’d stripped the man naked
and tasted every inch of his skin. The salty tang of masculinity clung to the
air around them. Then Julian lay on his stomach in front of him. His palms were
facedown on the ground as Gates straddled his thighs. He shuddered with need
just at the vision of the other man beneath him. Gates was already hard as he
rubbed his cock along the seam of Julian’s ass. And damn was it firm. The skin
was satiny soft however.
    Gates stroked himself with one hand as he rubbed lube onto
his dick but he never once took the sensitive tip of his cock away from
Julian’s skin. The anticipation built deep inside his gut. He needed to be
buried in Julian. But first he had to prepare the man.
    He applied a generous amount of lube onto his fingers before
sliding them into Julian’s ass. He nearly lost it as the tight muscles clamped
around his digits. If it felt that good to have his

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