Exit the Colonel

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Authors: Ethan Chorin
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Nigerian president Seyni Kountché
    Crete, Greeks in
    Cretz, Gene
    Wikileaks scandal and
    Crime, postliberation
    Crimes against humanity
    Cultural Revolution
    Cultural rights, Berbers
    destruction of structures of
    Tripoli International Fair and
    Curtailment rate, of USLO diplomats
    Cyberpropaganda campaigns
    Cyrenaica, Libyan province
    Cyrene, Greek outpost

    Daley, Bill
    Dao, Mansour
    Davies, Howard
    Day of Rage
    Deauville Partnership
    Decentralization strategy
    Declaration of the Establishment of the Authority of the People (1977)
    Defections, initial
    Democratic Republic of Congo
    Demonstrations, 1975, anti-Gaddafi
    Department of Defense, human rights, Libya and
    Development, exploration, and production-sharing agreements
    Diplomacy, failed mediations
    Diplomatic notes
    Diplomatic strategies
    Direct Democracy
    Djaziri, Moncef
    Djerejian, Edward
    Dorda, Buzaid
    Dorril, Stephen
    Dow Chemical
    DSI (French military journal)

    Eagleton, William
    Eaton, William
    Economic reconstruction, conference
    Economist, The
    Economy, Libya
    foreign business in Libya
    Education, Libyan intellectuals

    Great Britain in
    Muslim Brotherhood in, post uprising
    population of
    rendition policies of
    US hesitation in support
    Ehrman, William
    Eisenhower Doctrine
    El Baradei, Mohammed, IAEA (quotes)
    El Dib, Kama
    Libyan intervention as issue
    National Assembly
    postrevolutionary, Libya
    el Hamidi, Khouildi
    el Hariri, Omar, NTC and
    el Harroubi, Mustapha, RCC
    El Houni, Abdelmonem, RCC
    el Libi, Anas
    el Muhayshi, Omar
    el Nimeri, Jafar
    EU against Libya
    UN arms, 1992-2003
    US against Libya, 1982
    See also Sanctions
    Employment, postrevolution in Libya
    Enemy combatants
    Environment General Authority, of Libya
    Erdoğan, Recep
    Eritrean-Ethiopian war
    Errishi, Ali, resignation of
    Essaoui, Ali
    Esso Sirte, Libyan oil and
    EU. See European Union
    Eumes, Ali Omar
    European arms exports, to Libya
    European Bank for Development and Reconstruction
    European Commissioner for External Relations
    European countries, manipulation of by Gaddafi
    European Union
    Action Plan for Benghazi
    ground troops, humanitarian mission
    Evans, Donald
    Evans, Gareth
    Libyan worldview and
    Expatriots, American-Libyan
    Experiment, The (film)
    Exploration and Production Sharing agreements
    Extremism, Islamic, pre-uprising
    Exxon, Libyan oil and
    ExxonMobil Oil

    Facebook, uprisings and
    Farkash, Safia (wife of Gaddafi)
    Farrakhan, Louis
    Far-Right National Front
    Fatwa, on Gaddafi
    February 17th Coalition
    Federal Kingdom of Libya, creation of
    Feinstein, Andrew
    Feltman, Jeffery
    Female Revolutionary Veterinary Corps
    Ferrero-Waldner, Benita
    Fezzan, Libyan province
    Fhima, Al Amin Khalifa
    Fiat company
    Fifth columnists
    Fifth Horseman, The (thriller)
    Finances, postrevolutionary
    Financial Services Advisory Corps
    Financial Times (London)
    Fist of Gaddafi
    Fletcher, Yvonne
    Fluor Corporation
    Foreign businesses
    in Libya, difficulties of

    postrevolutionary Libya and
    Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA)
    Foreign goods, import of defective
    Foreign interference, postrevolution
    Foreign policy
    corporate role in US
    debate on Libya
    Libya role in US
    piracy threat and
    US-Iran, Libya intervention and
    Foreign Policy
    Foreign Policy Program, Brookings Institute
    in Algeria, Tunisia
    asylum of Mismari in
    catalyst, participation in Libya
    Mirage jet bombs Gaddafi’s convoy
    moral imperative of action and
    against NATO involvement
    Operation L’Harmattan
    Tunisia uprising and
    Franklin, Aretha
    Frattini, Franco
    Freedom of speech, postrevolutionary
    Free Officers
    French Socialist Party
    Friedman, Alan
    Friedman, Thomas
    Friendship Treaty
    Fukayama, Francis
    Funeral, soldiers fire on

    Gaddafadam, Ahmed, resignation of
    Gaddafa tribe, Libya
    Gaddafi, Ayesha
    Gaddafi, Hanna

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