Exit the Colonel

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Authors: Ethan Chorin
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    Atlantic, The (magazine)
    August “youth” speeches, Saif Al Islam
    â€œAwdat Caesar” (Genaw)
    Axis of Evil speech, Bush
    Ayatollah Khameini
    Ayatollah Khomeini
    Aziz, Mohamed Ould Abdel

    Bab Al Azziziya compound
    Bachmann, Michele
    Bahrain, uprising in
    Baja, Fathi
    Bani Walid tribe, Libya
    Bank of Commerce and Development, of Libya
    Banyan coalition
    Barber, Benjamin
    Barlinnie prison, Glasgow
    Barlow, Joel
    Bartlett, Dan
    Basic People’s Congress (BPC)
    Basic People’s Council
    Baylor College of Medicine
    Beit li sakinihi, policy
    Belarus, arms deal with Libya
    Belhaj, Abdelhakim
    Ben Ali, Zinedine
    al Haqiqa (newspaper)
    Bulgarian medics and Palestinian case
    destruction of, in WWII
    elections in
    as fashion center
    federalism argument and
    freedom of speech in, postrevolution
    population of
    riots, of 2006
    threats to
    UN Resolution 1973
    uprising, first five days
    Benghazi Center for Infectious Diseases
    Benghazi Commune
    Benghazi Medical Center
    Benghazi Rubicon
    Ben Halim, Mustafa
    Benhalim, Omar
    Imazighen Congress
    reform and
    repression of
    trans-Saharan trade and
    Berber Spring
    Berger, Samuel
    Berlusconi, Silvio
    Berry, Greg
    Bevin-Sforza Plan
    Bey, Husni
    Biden, Joseph
    Bilnour, Jamal
    bin Abdulaziz, Khalid (King, Saudi Arabia)
    bin Laden, Osama
    bin Lamin, Mohammed
    bin Nayef, Mohammed
    bin Qummu, Abu Sofiyan

    Black, Cofer
    Black, Robert
    Black Dog Parable (Neihoum)
    Black Hawk Down (movie)
    Blair, Cherie
    Blair, Tony
    Boehner, John
    Bolton, John
    Bombings, postrevolution
    Bouazizi, Mohamed, immolation of
    Bourguiba, Habib
    Bouri, Wahbi
    Bouri oil fields
    Bourwaq, Abdel Fattah
    Bouteflika, Abdelaziz
    Bowen, Wyn
    Boycott, of Israel, Arab League and
    Brega, oil and
    Brennan, John
    British Gas, contract irregularities and
    British Petroleum
    Brookings Institute
    Browne, John
    Bu Attifel, oil fields in
    Bugaighis, Laila
    Bukhres, Omran
    Bulgarian medics, arrest and imprisonment
    Bunker Hunt (oil)
    Buraq Air
    Bureau of Intelligence and Research (INR)
    Burke, Edmund
    Burns, William J.
    Bush, George H. W.
    Bush, George W.
    Business, difficulties of foreign in Libya
    Byzantine invasions of Libya

    Cain, Herman
    Calderoli, Roberto
    Calderón, Felipe, on Gaddafi
    Cambridge Energy Research Associates (CERA)
    Cameron, David
    Carnegie Endowment
    Carter, Jimmy
    Case for Democracy, The (Sharansky)
    Cease-fires, attempted
    Cecil, Charles
    Center for Democratic Studies
    Center for Global Studies of the Green Book
    Center for North African Studies
    Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)
    Central African Republic
    Central Bank
    Centralization, difficulties of
    Aouzou strip and
    Libyan action against
    Charif, Khaled
    Charles, Sandra
    Chávez, Hugo
    Cheney, Dick
    Cheney, Liz
    Chervenyashka, Valya
    Chess, challenge to Gaddafi
    Chevron Oil
    Chevron Texaco
    stance on Libya
    support for Syria
    Chorin, Ethan
    Abdelhakim Belhaj and
    in rendition
    torture and
    Citi Group, Commodity Research
    Civil war
    attacks on
    protection of. See also Responsibility to Protect doctrine
    snipers firing on
    Clarks, Ken
    Clinton, Bill, African mediation and

    Clinton, Hillary
    Coca-Cola wars, Gaddafi family and
    Coleman, Norm
    Collective punishment
    Colonialism, in Libya
    Commerce, reform through
    Commercial activists
    Commercial reform
    Common Market of Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA)
    Community of Sahelo-Saharan States (SEN-SAD)
    Conoco Oil
    Constitution, new, reform and
    Constitutional assembly, preparing for
    Constitutional Declaration (1969)
    Constitutional Monarchy, of Libya
    Continental Oil
    Control Risk Group
    Coordination Committee of the Families of the Victims (Abu Selim)
    Corporate lobbying
    Corporations, role in US foreign policy
    Corruption, in oil exploration
    Counter coup
    Counterterrorism rendition and
    counter coup
    against Gaddafi, 1975
    Gaddafi’s 1969

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