Evil Intent
    “There are seven regular players, counting myself. I know you will like everyone. Of course, I’ll introduce you when we get there.”
    “I hope I can remember everyone’s name.”
    “You’ll do fine. And, I will help you all evening. You may have heard of one of my friends, Bob Dawson. He is a famous author of murder mysteries. He is with Samantha, a red head who is terrific. You’ll like her.”
    “Cool. I have heard of Bob Dawson. I may have even read one of his books.”
    “Carl, is a CPA, with a very large accounting firm in town. He’s been dating Lauren for quite a while. She’ll be the platinum blonde, unless she changes her hair color again. You never quite know what Lauren is going to do.”
    “I hope these people are very forgiving. I don’t know how good I’ll be at bridge. It’s been so long since I played, I could be terrible.”
    “Do you like to drink?”
    “I can think. I’ll be ok in that department!” Kathryn said with a grin that Richard probably failed to see.
    “I said drink, not think!”
    “Oh, I can do that too pretty well, too!”
    “And stay close to the Barlow girls. They’ll love you.”
    “Maggie and Harriet Barlow. They’re sisters, and both of them are older than us. Maggie has lived in the building for many years. Her younger sister, Harriet, has been living with Maggie while working in a Broadway play. She’s an actress. They’re both hysterical.
    “They sound like fun.”
    Moments later the cab pulled up to the apartment building on East 66th Street.
    “We’re here!”
    This week the game was hosted by the Barlow girls, in Maggie’s apartment. It was a spectacular four bedroom with two balconies overlooking the formal gardens, and very traditional with paneled library and a wood burning fireplace in the living room. At one end of the majestic living room, the ladies had two beautiful card tables set up near the windows.
    “Welcome, welcome, please do come in. And, this must be Kathryn! We have all been so excited to meet you dear,” said Maggie, “this is such a pleasure. And, Richard, she is very, very pretty,” Maggie added, giving Richard a small hug and kiss. “Look who’s here everyone!”
    I would have thought the King and Queen of England just enter by that reception.
    Kathryn just smiled reaching for Richard’s hand.
    Maggie reaching out, grabbed Kathryn by the hand and began to walk her around the room introducing her to folks, before Richard even had a chance. Richard followed, of course, shaking hands and greeting everyone. Carl and Lauren were sitting on a sofa, Samantha was lounging in a club chair, Harriet was already at one of the card tables and Bob was helping Maggie by taking drink orders and preparing them in the den. Kathryn did notice how each of the ladies stood up expecting a hug from the good-looking doctor.
    “And what would you like to drink my dear?” Maggie said to Kathryn.
    “A vodka tonic is fine if you have it, but first I need to use the bathroom. Could you point me in that direction?”
    “Which one?” Lauren, who was sitting nearby said. “I think they have nine of them in this house.”
    “Oh, how silly. We don’t have nine bathrooms. There are only five.”
    “And the powder room?”
    “Oh yes. I forgot that one.”
    That’s a lot of bathrooms!
    “Bob, did you hear what Kathryn would like to drink? A vodka tonic, please.” Maggie shouted as she escorted Kathryn to the nearest bathroom?”
    “Coming right up,” answered Bob.
    Maggie and Kathryn left the living room through the great entrance hall. The first right was a hall that lead to the Den and the Library. Each room had an adjacent bath nearby. Maggie took Katherine to the Library because Bob was fixing drinks at the bar inside the den. They entered the mahogany paneled library.
    “The bath is right in here, dear. You can use this one anytime you want. It’s a little more private than the other.”
    “You have a gorgeous

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