Evil Intent
home Maggie. I just love it. I don’t think I have ever seen a Manhattan apartment more beautiful. It’s truly magnificent!”
    “Thank you, Kathryn. It’s so nice of you to say that. Harriet and I do adore this place, but I’m afraid it’s getting too big for us to keep up. I don’t know what we’re going to do.”
    Kathryn instantly took a liking to Maggie and also had very positive feelings about the other guests as well. While Bob was finishing the drink orders, Harriet managed to whip up some lovely hot hors d’oeuvres for everyone to nibble on. It wasn’t long before all were gathered together in the living room.
    As soon as Kathryn had returned, she was looking around the room for Richard when Samantha approached her and started a friendly conversation. Sam was attempting to get to know a little more about Kathryn than what was shared during the introductions. Kathryn did notice Richard glancing in her direction as if to ensure she was alright. She would smile at him, acknowledging that she was.
    “Ok everyone, I think we’re all ready now’” Harriet said, as some started to approach the tables. Katherine immediately walked over to Richard.
    Maggie then announced, “Table one will consist of Richard, Myself, Kathryn, and Bob. Table two will be Harriet, Carl, Lauren and Samantha. If everyone is agreeable, let the games begin.”
    “I’m nervous Richard,” Kathryn whispered holding Richards arm on the way to the tables. “I hope I remember this game. Its Spades, Diamonds, Hearts, and Clubs, correct? Clubs being the lowest.”
    “Exactly, that’s correct. Just watch the lead carefully, and try to win the trick.
    “That’s right I remember. By the Trick, you mean beat the hand and take those cards.”
    “Yes. Don’t worry, I’ll help you.”
    “Thanks. Don’t leave me.”
    As the game began, Richard asked if Kathryn could be his partner, since she hadn’t played in a long time. It was agreed, and everyone took their place, Kathryn opposite Richard with Maggie and Bob at their sides. They agreed that Kathryn could be dealer to begin. Maggie initially was the declarer making Bob, her partner, the dummy. The dummy, of course, must lay his hand down for all to see. Richard was the opening lead and began with the queen of spades.
    Oh Richard! Why spades? I only have a few spades and all low cards. Maggie could win the trick damn it!
    “ Why thank you Richard,” said Maggie. “I think I win with a King of spades and now I’ll play the dummy’s ace of clubs.”
    Oh good. I think I can take that.
    Kathryn wins with the ace, and then plays a five of spades hoping she can send control back to Richard who she assumed had many spades.
    “ Wonderful Kathryn. And I have the ace!” Maggie proudly said.
    Oh Shit. Sorry Richard. Maggie got it back.
    Everyone was having a good time. After a while, and several more drinks, Lauren hollers over to Maggie as Kathryn notices her making eyes at Richard.
    “I understand Maggie, that you and Harriet saw a good play last weekend.”
    “Oh yes, it was great. And Bob, you really would have liked this one. It was a murder mystery like all your books.”
    “What was the name of the play, Maggie?”
    “ Murder by Choice , but I don’t think they gave us good choices, because I immediately knew the Butler, Mr. Beaumont did it,” said Maggie.
    “The Butler wasn’t the murderer Maggie, for gosh sakes, I told you the step daughter did it,” Harriet said, rolling her eyes at her sister.
    “Who got murdered?” Samantha asked.
    “The husband was stabbed with an ice pick in his own library. But I thought maybe he was reading a good book while having a scotch, and just somehow slipped with the ice pick and killed himself. But then they found the panties under the sofa.” Maggie explained.
    “Ah ha! Now the plot thickens with a woman suspect!”
    “That’s right Bob. There were lots of women. It was very sexy.” Maggie said. “He was married five times and at

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