Everything I want: Will Alfie and Lily's love survive?...

Everything I want: Will Alfie and Lily's love survive?... by K. L. Shandwick

Book: Everything I want: Will Alfie and Lily's love survive?... by K. L. Shandwick Read Free Book Online
Authors: K. L. Shandwick
Zoe? What the hell are you doing with me…to me? You gave me the whole, “I’ve never been with anyone since you, Lily.” You expect me to believe that now? After the little display you’ve been putting on for me right now? What’s your girl doing while you’re here wit h me?”
    Alfie ran his hands through his hair. “What I told you was true. I had never looked at anyone else but you, Lily. From the day I met you, until about thirteen months after your last call. Until Zoe, I wasn’t interested in anything more.” A lump formed in my throat, stunned by his admission. Until Zoe. How could he have had all those women throw themselves at him and not take the bait?
    “I’ve never been with anyone else since Zoe either. That’s not how I work.”
    “So this isn’t being unfaithful to her? Lusting after me? Kidnapping me and pulling me into the elevator? Bringing me up here is you being faithful to her?”
    Alfie pushed me back against the wall and straddled his hands either side of me. I had an instant flashback to the times when he did this before, when he was relentlessly pursuing me for a sexual relation ship.
    The intensity in his eyes was unnerving as they locked onto mine. We connected for the briefest time until he let his head drop, his forehead resting against mine. His eyes reconnecting again. I swallowed hard and fought the pain of loving him and what we were doing to each o ther.
    “Don’t Alfie. Please. I’m begging you. Don’t.” I said softly, shutting my eyes and pinching my lips, I was fighting helplessly against the tears I knew were beginning to fall. I couldn’t stand to be this close to him and not feel his lips on mine or his arms aroun d me.
    Standing there silently with him, the tears overflowed and rolled down my cheek. Alfie’s forehead left mine, and I was about to open my eyes when soft lips brushed against my cheek, catching my tear.
    I heard him swallow hard. It clicked. And he inhaled deeply through his nose. He held it and exhaled forcibly. “Fuck,” he muttered. “Please…you’re killing me, Lily.” He followed his verbal words by mouthing another silent, “Pl ease.”
    When I said nothing, his hand banged against the wall then stabbed at the button to call the elevator. Moving away from me, we stood silently until the elevator car arr ived.
    When the door opened, Alfie didn’t move. Just let me step inside. He pushed his key in and as he was about to turn it, he glanced back a t me.
    “Press the PH button when you leave and send my key back.” He stepped out of the elevator and didn’t turn around. I stared at his back as the doors cl osed.
    Tears pricked my eyes and flooded my face as I stood in silence, while the car sped back to the ground floor. As soon as it stopped, I knew I couldn’t leave things like that.
    I pushed the PH button once again and let the doors close. I was still inside the small softly lit cabin, propelling me back in the direction of the only man that would ever hold my h eart.
    I had no idea what I was going to say when I got there. No idea what I wanted to happen. I just knew that I couldn’t leave things the way they were.
    As the door opened, Alfie stood in front of me. His face tear stained. The sight of that destroyed me. The last thing I ever wanted was to hurt him.
    I didn’t get the chance to speak. Alfie rushed me, his arms pulling me hard against his whole body as his mouth crushed mine in a move that was epically important for the both of us. I couldn’t help but kiss him back.
    Goose-bumps radiated across my skin and juice trickled from the sodden folds of heat onto my panties. When he broke the kiss, he began frantically peppering kisses all over my neck. His vise-like hold on me was leaving me struggling to breathe. I felt d izzy.
    An array of emotions rushed me. I struggled with feelings of euphoria, pain, fear, and lust. These were all overridden by the feelings of love, and the pleasure of being against his body again.

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