Entwined Fates: Dominating Miya
to glare at him.
    “I think you’re in enough trouble already, sub. Are you really going to stand there and glare at me?”
    His tone was dark, his eyes flashing anger and…something else. Miya swallowed and lowered her gaze as Sam had told her to do. Staring at his feet, she said, “I was—”
    “I didn’t tell you to speak!”
    Miya huffed out a sigh. Then how the hell was she supposed to talk to him?
    Alex put his firm grip back on her neck as he led her through the playroom to a quiet sitting area on the other side. He let go of her neck, and she breathed a sigh of relief.
    “Can I look at something other than your feet now?” she asked sarcastically.
    His hand landed across her backside once more, making her cry out in shock and just a bit of pain. She raised her head and glared at him. She expected fury, but his look of amusement caught her by surprise, and she briefly forgot what she was about to say.
    “What the hell are you doing here, Miya?” he asked.
    Miya swallowed at how good he looked in his black slacks and silk shirt. He had his hair down, just the way she liked it, and she fisted her hands at her side to keep from reaching out and running her fingers through it. Unexpectedly, she envisioned him swatting her ass with a paddle, just like the other Dom, while she hung defenseless between the poles.
    “Is she going to hurt Sam?” she asked, finally finding her tongue.
    Alex sighed and put his hands on his hips. “Sam will be fine.”
    “Are you sure? She looked really—”
    “Miya,” he snapped, making her jump. “If you will recall, Sam likes punishment, but if it goes too far, he has a safe word.”
    Miya nodded slowly. She remembered what Sam had said about the safe words.
    “Now answer my question.”
    “I came to see you.”
    “Well, now that you have…” He ushered with his hand toward the door.
    Miya lifted her chin and stood her ground. “No.” His eyes narrowed into cold, hard slits, but she didn’t move. “You’re not pushing me away this time, Alex. I’m here to prove you wrong.”
    He tilted his head, studying her, but the hard glint remained. “And how do you plan to do that?”
    “Well, you would have to make me submit.”
    “Make you?”
    “Or whatever it is you do.”
    “I do that out there, Miya,” he said pointing to the scene. “Except I prefer a flogger to a paddle.”
    ALEX WATCHED AS a flush of desire covered her cheeks. Did this really turn her on? Could she really take what he doled out? The thought of playing with her sent his whole body into immediate lust-filled attention.
    God help him.
    “I know what you do,” she whispered.
    “Do you?”
    She swallowed. “Yes.”
    Alex dropped his gaze lower, lingering over her legs, her perky breasts, and the rapid pulse he could see pounding in her neck. He walked around her slowly, gauging what he would say and her reaction to it. He was a fool, and he knew it, but now that she was here, the last thing he wanted to do was send her home. “Are you sure about this?” he asked.
    She nodded.
    “Words, Miya.”
    “Yes, what?”
    She frowned as he crossed in front of her again. “Yes, Alex.”
    His eyes narrowed. “Wrong.”
    Her frown deepened, and he could see the wheels turning in her mind. “Yes…Sir.”
    “Good girl,” he said as he began walking around her again. “I assume Sam has told you what is done here at the club.”
    She clamped her lips closed, and Alex’s lips twitched slightly. “Protective, I see. He won’t get in trouble. I promise.”
    “Then, yes,” she said.
    He stopped in front of her again and watched her face. “I need to know your hard limits.”
    “Hard limits. It’s the things I cannot do to you. They’re nonnegotiable.”
    “I see.”
    “You’re here to prove me wrong. I’m going to push every button you have, and prove me right. Now, what are your hard limits?”
    He saw a momentary spark of fear in her eyes that made his

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