Entangled Love

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Book: Entangled Love by Jessica Gray Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jessica Gray
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that she would walk back in and apologize. When the door remained closed, he wandered over to the window, just in time to see her car pull away from the parking lot. She was gone and he sensed she wasn’t ever coming back.

Friends Together
    The next week was the longest and worst one of Evelyn’s life. Victor had immediately sensed that something was wrong, and been very supportive when Evelyn had shared her decision with him. He told her to stand her ground and make him come back begging. Michael had yet to beg for anything.
    His attitude around the office had become surlier, and everyone, even sweet-tempered Mandy was now avoiding him.  Evelyn found herself avoiding the hallway outside his office at all costs, and Victor had tried to intervene, but Michael was being his stubborn self.
    Deciding to grab a sandwich at the deli across the street and eat in the park, she headed out. Just as she was entering the deli she heard someone call her name.  Glancing around, she located the source of the voice and watched as Henry Taylor finished crossing the street and got to where she was standing.
    “Evelyn, it’s so good to see you. How have you been?” Henry gave her a friendly hug.
    Evelyn smiled at hugged him back, “I’ve been good. How about you?”
    Henry smiled at her, “Good. Really good.”
    “I was just about to grab a sandwich, do you have time to join me?” Evelyn offered, gesturing towards the deli.
    Henry gave a sad smile and shook his head, “I’m sorry to say that I don’t. I have a meeting across the street with father’s accountants in 10 minutes. I would much rather join you for lunch.”
    “I bet,” Evelyn chuckled. She hated going to see DFJ’s accountants and usually left that unpleasant task up to Victor.
    “Hey. How about I take you to dinner tonight and we can catch up?”
    “That sounds great.  Do you want me to meet you somewhere?” Evelyn queried. Maybe a night out with Henry would help get rid of her melancholy.
    Henry shook his head, “I’ll pick you up, around 7 o’clock?”
    Evelyn nodded, “That sounds great. Any idea of where we’re going, just so I know how to dress?”
    Henry winked at her as he said, “Doll yourself up baby and let’s hit the town.”
    Evelyn laughed and for the first time in months, felt carefree and was looking forward to going out. “I’ll be ready.”
    Glancing at his wristwatch, Henry grimaced gave Evelyn another hug, “I’d better go. The only thing worse than visiting the accountant, is visiting one late.” Releasing her, he started back across the street with a hollered, “I’ll see you later beautiful.”
    Evelyn watched him cross the street and gave him a little wave as he looked back before entering the building.
    Evelyn was ready with fifteen minutes to spare and calmly answered the door when Henry arrived on time.  He was stunning in coat and tie, and his endearing grin promised a fun evening ahead.
    Evelyn had first met Henry at the board meeting where his father was informed that even though he owned 48% of Davenport Shipping stock, his voting rights were only 24%. Evelyn had been impressed at the young man who calmly waited his ranting father out. Henry had calmed his father down, and after much discussion, it had been decided that Henry would be attending all future board meetings, not Brad Taylor.
    Evelyn had enjoyed getting to know the gregarious young man, and they had developed a sort of friendship over the years. Evelyn had no romantic thoughts about him, and since Henry had never made any romantic overtures in her direction, guessed he felt the same way.
    “You look absolutely amazing. Turn around and let me get the whole effect.” Henry made a circle with his finger, indicating she should turn a circle for him.
    Evelyn giggled, but complied. The green strapless dress had been an impulse buy two years earlier, and she

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