Entangled Love

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Book: Entangled Love by Jessica Gray Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jessica Gray
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before that happened. I’m surprised it hasn’t happened before now. I don’t see why you’re so upset.”
    “You broke the rules…” Michael continued.
    Evelyn shook her head at him, “We both broke the rules then. I seem to remember waking up on top of you a few moments ago. You broke the rule as well.  And speaking of rules, I think we need to re-visit them, this is not working for me.”
    Evelyn finished pulling her pants on and draped the blanket across the back of the couch. After finishing buttoning her blouse, she looked up to see Michael staring at her in anger and shaking his head. “What?”
    “We are not re-visiting the rules. They are non-negotiable. “ Michael could feel the ice around his heart starting to crack and crossed his arms over his chest.
    Sighing, Evelyn had been afraid that he would fight her when it came to admitting his feelings for her. Taking a deep breath, she forged ahead, “Michael, I can’t do this anymore.  I can’t pretend that I don’t have feelings for you. I can’t pretend that your indifference and treatment of me outside the bedroom doesn’t hurt, because it does. I can’t pretend that I don’t miss your friendship. I need more.” Evelyn tried to keep the plea out of her voice, and was only mildly successful.
    Michael shook his head, “No. No emotions, no friendship, no relationship. We agreed on sex only. That’s all I can offer you. Take it or leave it.”
    Evelyn stared at him. He was so stubborn. “You mean it’s all you are willing to offer me.  I know you have feelings for me, I can feel it when we make love…”
    “Don’t go confusing great sex with lovemaking. They are not the same and the latter has nothing to do with us.”
    Hurt speared through Evelyn to hear Michael speak so plainly and degrade what they had shared together. They had made love, on multiple occasions and there was no way she was going to let him make it into something dirty, or less than what it was. “It was making love. You know and I know it.”
    Michael looked at her and felt the ice around his heart crack a little more. No! He wouldn’t let her destroy him again. He couldn’t. There was no way he could survive a second heartbreak. “It was sex and that’s all. Delude yourself into thinking it was something else if it makes you feel better, but it was only sex. I don’t do relationships or love.”
    “No! Evelyn, you need to understand where this is going. Nowhere! There is no future for us, you took care of that three years ago.”
    “Michael, I’ve tried to apologize for that but you won’t….”
    Cutting her off, he continued, “I don’t want to hear it.  I really don’t. That was in the past and this is the now.”
    Evelyn stared at him as her heart broke for the final time. He was serious. He wasn’t willing to let his guard down and take a chance with his heart again. Sorrow for what might have been swamped her and left her feeling empty inside. Grabbing her jacket and purse, she looked at him one last time, “Michael, I feel sorry for you. I played things your way, hoping that you would eventually see my feelings for you were real, and that you would let your heart heal, but I can’t do this anymore.  I can’t keep putting my heart out there and watching you trample all over it, time after time. I won’t. Goodbye.”
    Michael wanted to grab her and keep her from leaving, but stood his ground, adopting his usual cynicism as a cover, “You know where to find me when you need to get rid of some frustration. I’ll be here another couple of months.  No need to call first; just show up.”
    Evelyn shook her head; no words came to her mind that were a fitting response.  Walking out the door, she vowed he would never see her darken its threshold again, not unless he came groveling first.
    Michael watched the door close and stood there for several minutes, hoping

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