English Knight
did. I watched as Harold pulled back his arm and punched the head of his spear between the shoulder blades of the man at arms who was tardier than the rest.
    I saw the horses, there were ten of them.  One warrior was mounted holding the reins of the others. I slashed down and laid open the back of the man who ran, too slowly, before me.  I glanced at his body as I passed.  His back looked like a freshly cut fig, oozing red. The others had reached their horses.  As Harold thrust his spear again at one of the riders another tried to strike at his unguarded head.  I kicked Scout and jammed my shield between the sword and Harold. I have quick hands and my sword stabbed into the mailed warrior’s side.  He tumbled from his horse. The blow to Harold had surprised him and he lay on the ground unhorsed. I watched in frustration as the remaining six galloped west.
    “Secure the horses!” It was foolish I know but I charged after the fleeing riders.  I felt all powerful. Scout was a good horse and had nimble feet.  His hooves danced around the roots of the trees.  The last rider was not so lucky and his horse stumbled. It allowed me to close with him.  He glanced over his shoulder and tried to pull his sword from its scabbard.  He was one of the guards from the castle! I brought my sword down hard and was rewarded by seeing his sword bend. “Surrender or die!”
    His answer was to strike with his bent sword at Scout’s head. It infuriated me and I jerked Scout’s head away from danger whilst swinging my sword horizontally.  His head flew from his shoulders and bounced away through the woods. I looked up and saw that the other five men were too far away for me to catch. I grabbed the reins of the soldier’s horse and led him back to the others.
    My father and Ralph were attending to Garth’s wound while Harold, William and Aiden stood with drawn weapons watching the mason’s wife and the children.
    “They have fled.”
    Ralph looked up and shook his head.  “That was brave, master Alfraed, but exceptionally foolish.  Had they turned on you then you would now be dead and we might be in danger.”
    He was right but I needed no instruction from an old man.  I ignored his comment. “They were from the castle.”
    My father looked up, “How do you know?”
    “The last man I killed was one of the surly guards from the gate.”
    I saw him frown. “Aiden tie the horses to the trees and then you and Harold go and collect the armour, helmets and weapons from the dead.” As they went off he smiled at me. “Despite Ralph’s harsh words, my son, I am proud of you.  Aelfraed would have done the same.”
    “How is Garth?”
    Garth looked up and grinned, “Garth is feeling foolish. It will not happen again, young master.” He nodded at me, “By God but you have quick hands.  They are like quicksilver.”
    I smiled.  All young men liked praise and I knew that this was genuine praise. Garth knew sword play; he had practised it every day in Constantinople.
    When Aiden and Harold returned my father looked at the haul. “Well we have made a fair trade. One wound for five horses, two sets of mail, four swords and five bows.” He looked at the collection. “Where are the helmets?”
    Harold flushed, “I am sorry my lord we forgot them.”
    “Go and get them while we mount.” As Harold turned my father said, “My son, the one you said you recognised, where is he?”
    “His head is yonder.”
    “Fetch his head, too, Harold.  We may have to return to the castle and have words with the Seneschal.”
    While they went off to complete the grisly deed I examined the mail and the weapons.  They were neither of the finest quality but they were better than nothing and Harold had shown that he needed protection. “Father, there were no shields; I wonder why not?”
    Ralph snorted, “They would have identified them as the men from the castle. Someone does not wish your father to rule Norton.”
    When Harold returned with

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