English Knight
the three helmets he had found he also brought the head of the dead man.  The journey from the body to the ground had caused the head to smash into rocks and roots. It could have been the eyeless skull of any man. The identity of the man could not be identified for certain now.
    “You are sure that he was the guard?”
    “Aye father.”
    “Well we cannot prove it and so we shall have to bide our time but we will be on our guard and keep a careful watch.”
    The attack had delayed us and the sun was just setting as we neared our castle.  After Durham it looked small and vulnerable but it was home and we would defend it.
    Faren, although a slave, was like a mother hen and she fussed over both the children and Judith when she saw their pitiful condition.
    My father addressed his new mason. “For tonight, William, we will house your family in the hall but tomorrow I will have my men build a hut for you inside the walls.”
    “Thank you, my lord. I am your man.” He paused, “I see no stone here.”
    “No, we need to go to Persebrig to buy some.”
    “I will accompany the buyers for some of these stone merchants will take the coins from a dead man’s eyes.”
    That evening after we had eaten and the family had gone to claim a corner of the hall for themselves I sat with my father, his oathsworn and Branton.  It was a council of war.
    We had told the others what had happened. Wulfstan rubbed his beard.  “I wonder why they did not send knights.”
    Ralph laughed, “I think they saw three old men and two boys.  They probably thought that ten men at arms could do the job. They did not know the ferocity of young Alfraed here.” He shook his head at the memory of my reckless charge. “Wulfstan he was fearless.”
    Wulfstan jokingly wagged his finger at me.  “Make sure you are not so reckless when you face the Norman knights.”
    I laughed, “We saw off those in Normandy easily enough.”
    “We were lucky that time for they were careless and thought that we could not defend ourselves.  When those men at arms return to the Seneschal they will know your mettle and they may try to use your recklessness to their advantage.”
    “How do you mean?”
    “They will feign retreat and when you follow they will turn and destroy you.”
    “It is how William the Bastard won when he defeated Harold. His knights ran and the fyrd followed.  Only the Housecarls stood firm and they were surrounded and slaughtered.  You need to use your head, Alfraed, as well as your sword.”
    Of all of my father’s men Ralph was the wisest.  He understood war and his advice would be heeded.
    My father nodded his agreement and said, “Alfraed, I would have you and Harold go to Persebrig and buy the stone for the castle.”
    I was both pleased and surprised, “That is a great responsibility, father.  Can I be trusted?”
    He laughed, “It takes a long time to finish a decent castle and it will be you who reaps the benefits not I. Besides it will teach you how to negotiate.  I am sure William will be a good adviser.” His face became serious. We now know that we need to be careful here.  This is a land filled with our enemies. Until we have built up our strength we will need to tread carefully.”
    I was excited to be given such a task.

Chapter 9
    We now had surplus horses and we took one for William as well as a spare. I began to head to the west but William said, “My lord we can save time if we head to the river. We will need a boat anyway.  Carts are expensive and you have to hire drivers.”
    It was my first decision.  I could not fault the argument my mason had used but it was hard to take advice from someone who was not a warrior. “Very well.”
    We took the track towards the Tees.  It was south of us.  I knew that Persebrig was to the west and I hoped we were not making an unnecessary journey. The track went over undulating ground and had not been built by the Romans. In winter it would become a muddy morass.

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