Enemy Invasion

Enemy Invasion by A. G. Taylor

Book: Enemy Invasion by A. G. Taylor Read Free Book Online
Authors: A. G. Taylor
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relationship, to say the least),
they’d always managed to come through for each other in the end. And after their return to HIDRA, Sarah had begun to realize that, along with the younger kids, the boys were the closest thing
to a family she’d had for a long time. The world had become a dangerous place for kids like them, but at least they had each other to rely on…
    And Sarah had become particularly close to Alex – perhaps because of their experience together in Russia, when they’d had to flee into the Arctic waste together, facing death above
and below the ice. Which had made his desire to leave so hard to accept. To her, the return to HIDRA was the chance to put an end to the fighting – to concentrate on helping Rachel Andersen
and the scientists find a cure for the fall virus and bring their families back. But following their battle against Makarov, Alex had wanted more freedom, more excitement – more opportunities
to get them into trouble. When the information came through that Major Bright had been spotted in Europe, he’d wanted to take the others and go running off after him. With Bright still alive,
it was only a matter of time before he came after them again, Alex reasoned. Sarah had disagreed – hadn’t they all had enough fighting? They were safe. HIDRA could take care of the
    But Alex was determined to carry on the fight against Bright and, to Sarah’s surprise, so were the twins Nestor and Octavio (who could usually be relied upon not to agree on anything at
all). After several heated arguments all around the ship, Rachel Andersen had stepped in and moderated a solution: Alex, Nestor and Octavio would transfer to the HIDRA base in England, where they
would have the chance to see some duty in the field – maybe even against Major Bright, when he was found. Sarah would stay with the younger members of the team on the Ulysses and
continue her work tracking down virus-altered kids in the region. That had been almost six months ago and although she’d had occasional video calls with both Nestor and Octavio, Sarah
hadn’t spoken to Alex since.
    Sarah rounded on her brother. “Perhaps you should have run away with them to England. It would have been easier for me. Do you think I want to be in charge all the time?”
    Immediately Sarah regretted her words, seeing the hurt look in her brother’s eyes. She took a step towards him, but he backed away.
    “So you’re not going to help us then?”
    “Robert, I can’t—”
    He disappeared…teleporting away to some other part of the ship. With a frustrated sigh, Sarah turned to Louise and Wei, who looked at one another. Some silent understanding passed between
them and they walked towards the exit.
    “Where are you two going?” Sarah said.
    Louise looked over her shoulder. “We’re going to find Robert. We’re with him.”
    They left without another word.
    Alone in the rec room, Sarah stood completely still for a moment, took a deep breath and tried to process everything that had happened in the last half-hour. When the intelligence had come
through that Major Bright was alive, she knew it was only a matter of time before HIDRA would have to go into battle against him again. And she knew that once again her brother and her friends
would be dragged into the fight. Now that their mother was gone, along with their father, Daniel (who they had only been starting to get to know when he was taken from them by the fall virus),
Sarah was the one responsible for making sure Robert was safe. Sending him to rescue a kid from Hong Kong was one thing, but the thought of him having to face Major Bright once more was something
that worried her desperately. She just didn’t know if she could face seeing him, or Louise and Wei, in harm’s way once again.
    “Everything okay?”
    She started at the sound of Commander Craig’s voice from the doorway of the rec room. He’d appeared there and she’d been so deep in thought, she hadn’t

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