Emotionally Compromised (Emotionally Compromised Series)

Emotionally Compromised (Emotionally Compromised Series) by A. Rosa Page B

Book: Emotionally Compromised (Emotionally Compromised Series) by A. Rosa Read Free Book Online
Authors: A. Rosa
under me. I slam onto the floor, the wind rushing out of my lungs. "It's the only way we know, Alex," he finishes.
    Ain't that the truth?
    Lying flat on my back, I try to get up but Derek straddles me, pinning my arms above my head. I thrash my legs, trying to move his iron body off me. My muscles tense as I growl. "Derek, stop it!"
    "I win!" He smirks.
    "No ," I shout. I still my body for a moment, looking up at him.
    His strong arms pin mine, showing his power and skill. "You are still just a girl. "
    The statement pierces my body. I fume.
    I am not just a girl, and I can kick this guy's ass.
    The adrenaline in my veins spikes, and I catch him off guard by swinging my legs behind him. He loses his grip on my arms, and I fling him backward. He lands on his back. I swing over, landing on top of him. The air leaves his lungs. Nice.
    I am the one smiling this time . "And you are obviously still just a boy. "
    I lightly slap his face, toying with him. He grins, and for some reason, so do I. He's not even close to being a man, and this boy needs to mature. He may look the part, but he sure as hell doesn't act it.
    "I want you ." That was the last thing I expected to hear. He says it like an errant child. As if he doesn't get his way, he might throw a tantrum. What is it with men thinking they can demand things?
    "Ugh!" I shout and get off him. "Derek, please stop this! I meant it. Grow the fuck up." I turn on my heels and make my way out of the gym, feeling defeated and unproductive.
    How am I supposed to fix my friendship with Derek if he won't even try? I don't want Alvarado to do anything drastic. I need Derek.
    I won the physical battle , but it feels like I lost the overall war. Nothing resolved, of course.
    On the other hand, how am I supposed to look up to him as my leader if he's going to act like this? He is right, he has taught me or at least had a hand in everything I know, but you fuck the boss and it all goes to hell.
    I stop halfway to the locker room, lean against the wall, and sigh. He was my friend first, and that's what I miss more. The relationship was good when things were good, but I miss having someone to call for no apparent reason. Someone who would understand my silly ramblings—a best friend. Life with this job is lonely, and good friends are hard to find. I know he is struggling with it as much as I am, but ...
    "How do we fix this?" I lift my head . Derek is standing there, and I am pleased we can at least count on being on the same mental wavelength, exhausting as it is.
    I shrug . "I don't know. You make it difficult."
    "Back at you , babe."
    I shut my eyes , because the word babe is too endearing. It makes me think of Jeremy, and I am flooded with all my doubts and unknown emotions. I don't like Derek using that word with me.
    I open my eyes , and Derek has taken two steps closer to me, his arm outstretched in a handshake. "Truce, Agent Turner?"
    "I need to make myself clear, and then maybe we can move on. We always get caught up in the miscellaneous details."
    Are we really about to finally have a serious conversation about this?
    He continues. "Maybe you're right. I am just a boy. It hurts to admit it, but, like you, I don't know how to deal with emotions. I see you struggling with them too, especially with Jeremy. It's all over your face. You like him, and I have to get it ... and I will. I just miss everything. Of course, a part of me regrets every day making that dumb mistake with Ashley—my fault! I know, doesn't mean I don't wish I couldn't change it."
    "Derek, please ." I want to stop him but I don't know why.
    "Let me finish . … I miss us . It was fun. And when I say I miss us, I mean I miss us pre-everything . I miss beating you to a playful pulp in the gym, I miss calling you when Alvarado is at my throat for shit you did, and I miss thinking clearly around you. The sex was good." He pauses, grinning like a dumb teenager, reflecting on it. "Well, it was great actually." I roll

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