All I Want For Christmas

All I Want For Christmas by Ann Roth

Book: All I Want For Christmas by Ann Roth Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ann Roth
said. “I’ve missed this place.” Which was and wasn’t true. “My interview isn’t for another hour, but will you let Mr. Sperling know I’m here? And could you also ask June to meet me in my office?”
    â€œWill do.” Shelby spoke confidentially and crossed her fingers. “For the record, I don’t believe a word Kendra’s been saying. I’m rooting for you.”
    Kendra’s interview had taken place the day before, and according to June, she’d come out it of smug and self-assured. No telling what she’d said about Tina. Mad at her all over again, Tina walked down the hallway, her footsteps muffled by thick carpeting as she passed offices and looked in on faces she knew as well as her own. People greeted her with smiles, and many of them wished her good luck.
    As Tina entered her office, June was waiting by the window. Her round face lit up. “You made it.”
    Her warmth eased Tina’s jangled nerves. “It’s good to see you,” she said.
    â€œAnd you.” June’s smile dimmed somewhat. “You haven’t been eating or sleeping much, have you?”
    Trust June to be candid—Tina valued that. She sighed. “I was sure my concealer would hide the circles. It’s been a difficult week.”
    â€œI can’t even imagine. Of course, with you gone, it hasn’t been easy for me, either. Unlike you, I eat when I’m stressed, and since you left I must’ve gained ten pounds. If only I could give them to you.”
    Tina laughed. “I’m truly grateful for the extra time you’ve put in for me, and I’ll make sure you’re paid for every hour. I wish I could treat you to lunch today, but I have to hurry back to the island right after my interview. Let’s schedule something after Thanksgiving?”
    â€œIt’s a date.”
    Tina glanced at her watch. “We don’t have much time, so we’d best get to work.”
    She sank onto her familiar office chair, glanced at her computer, fax and printer, and wheeled up to her expansive desk. The neatly stacked files and crowded in-box meant tons of work, which reassured her that regardless of whether or not she got the creative director title, she’d be too busy to think about Ryan. She would .
    â€œWhat’s with the long face?” Pulling up another chair, June sat beside her so that they both faced the desk. “Is anything wrong?”
    â€œI was wondering how I’ll ever get all this work done.”
    â€œYou will.”
    They spent the next half hour reviewing files; Tina stacked those she’d take back with her.
    Then Kendra strode in, her expensive suit and three-inch heels making her look like a model. “Well, well, look who came to work. Decided to finally show up and interview, did you?”
    Tina looked Kendra right in the eye. “As you well know, a family member is sick, and I’m using up vacation time to care for her.”
    â€œYes, and I’m so sorry.”
    â€œActually, you’re not,” Tina challenged her. “You’ve been telling people, including Jim Sperling, that since I’ve taken time off I must not want this position. He doesn’t believe you, of course.” Tina hoped that was true. “And I don’t appreciate the innuendo. You owe me an apology.”
    Kendra’s eyes narrowed. Without a hint of remorse, she shrugged. “One does what one must. Good luck with the interview—you’ll need it. Though frankly, I don’t know why you’re even bothering. The creative director spot is mine.” She flipped her hair over a shoulder, pivoted toward the door and sashayed off.
    â€œYou told her, ” June said. “She must be really scared to grandstand like that. Don’t let her intimidate you.”
    Believing that Kendra was every bit as qualified and talented as she was, Tina was unnerved. Not

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